
The Master And Margarita By Mikhail Bulgakov

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The Master and Margarita is a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov that is set in the Russian city of Moscow while Invisible Cities is a novel by Italo Calvino. Both novels share striking similarities but also do share sharply contrasting approaches. Both books are fictional and have similar stylistic devices in their description of events. Invisible Cities is a book that requires the reader to use extensively of his imagination so as to envision the cities that he is describing. The description of the cities can be confusing as is with description of Ziara as “The city does not consist of this, (stairs and streets) but of relationships between the measurememts of its space and the events of its past: the height of a lamppost and the distance and the sistance from the ground of a hanged usurper’s swaying feet;…” (Pg 10). Imagination and perception are themes that Calvino advances in this book in his description of cities. The cities have fancy sounding names with functions that their residents have and play being different from one city to another.
Polo travels with King Khan and narrates to him about the cities, and although the kind is unsure about the existence of the cities, he is nonetheless looking forward to hearing about them and their characters and leaders. Polo at one time asks Khan to imagine sitting in one of the cities and trying to experience what being in that city at that time felt like. The invitation by Polo to Khan to imagine himself in the city serves a hidden

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