
The Mask Of Command ( London )

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John Keegan is a British military historian, lecturer. He is also author of The Mask of Command (London, 1987). Keegan is best known for his comprehensive works on military history, with particular focus on military figures and battles from fourteenth through twenty-first centuries. Keegan is also known for uncovering the psychology used in battle. In that respect, Keegan points out effectively the technical aspects of warfare, particularly relates to Alexander the Great, Arthur Wellesley Wellington, U.S. Grant, and Adolph Hitler in the Mask of Command. The Mask of Command separated into five parts. Although each part is separate unto itself, the parts are frequently referenced in other areas in term of comparison. Although The Mask of Command was written 30 years ago, it continues to stand up as an excellent examination of military leadership for the general reader. Each leader is analyzed as a product of the society they are raised in, and why they were so successful based on the political/military system they were born into and used. His book’s main theme is how character of generalship over two thousand years of Western history is changed. In that case, he uses four case studies of Alexander the Great, the Duke of Wellington, Ulysses Grant and Adolf Hitler, to support his thesis, and he points out numerous historical comparisons to widen the study 's focus.
In his introduction part of book, pre-heroic leadership, John Keegan 's describes his book as, "a book about

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