
The Marriage Practices Of The Village Of Southwest China

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The purpose of this paper is to describe the marriage practices of the village of Andaloor in India and the Mosuo people of Southwest China, their perceptions of one another, my own personal perceptions of these practices, and my attitude towards diversity. This paper provides background information on the two different countries and also demonstrates my knowledge on the subject of cultural differences in marriage in the two countries.

Cross-Cultural Differences in Marriage Practices between the People of Andaloor and the People of Mosuo Introduction Marriage or a relationship similar to, is a tremendous component of the human experience. Its function is practiced in every culture worldwide; but in very different forms …show more content…

When a man decides he is ready to get married, both financially and mentally, he and his parents confer with each other on their prospects for the bride. Most of the time, the spouses are chosen by the parents, elders or a match maker. Numerous conditions by the groom and his parents and the matching of horoscopes are contemplated before the completion of the match. (al-Zu’abi & Jagdish, 2008)
When the woman who matches these requirements is found, the man goes to the woman’s house with some companions. If the man is satisfied with the girl and the background of her family, he will tell his parents and relatives to go visit her for further investigation. If the groom’s family is satisfied with the woman’s background and family, they will introduce the proposal and ask for a horoscope of the woman. If the groom’s family informs the bride’s family that the horoscope matches, the bride’s family will now have their turn to intently observe the grooms family. The bride’s family also has the right to refuse the proposal if they find something displeasing about the groom or his family. After the bridal party accepts the proposal a ceremony takes place at the woman’s residence. This function is an agreement between both sides of the wedding in front of family elders. This party is when the date for engagement is settled. The engagement is a ceremony where the couple tie their horoscopes together and takes place at the bride’s house. The engagement is where the wedding date is

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