
The Manipulation Of Roderigo In Shakespeare's Othello

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In everyday life, people use manipulation tactics to attain their utmost desires or to fulfill their vengeances by scheming cunning plots to deceive or outwit someone. This essay will explain how Iago manipulates Roderigo into doing his dirty work and advancing his own scheme by exploiting Roderigo’s lack of intelligence and desperate infatuation with Desdemona. It will also reveal how Iago uses Cassio’s trusting nature to jeopardize his position as lieutenant and reputation by displaying a sincere facade. Most importantly, it will define how he successfully provokes Othello to sink to the depths of killing his own wife by portraying a false affair between her and Cassio. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is a villain disguised under the mask …show more content…

First and foremost, Iago preys upon Cassio’s weakness and low tolerance for alcohol to impair his thoughts and actions. In an soliloquy, Iago reveals “If I can fasten but one cup upon him, with that which he hath drunk tonight already, he'll be as full of quarrel and offense as my young mistress' dog.” (2.3.49-52). In other words, Iago desperately schemes to get Cassio to drink one more glass of alcohol on top of what he has drunk already, so that he can set the stage for Cassio to become a reckless, aggressive and an impulsive animal similar to that of a little dog. Secondly, Iago also manipulates Cassio in an intoxicated state to put his actions at risk, strip him of his reputation and rob him of his position as lieutenant. For example, he sends Roderigo to pick a fight with him, which results in Othello being very displeased. As a result, Cassio is discharged as lieutenant and cries “My reputation, my reputation! I've lost my reputation, the longest-living and truest part of myself! Everything else in me is just animal-like. Oh, my reputation, Iago, my reputation!" (2.3. 250-253). In this quote, Cassio feels devastated to find out that the most important thing to him; his reputation becomes spoiled and his career is ruined since he gets dismissed. Consequently, Iago used Cassio’s sadness and vulnerability to misguide him into believing that the only way to please Othello again and be reinstated, is through Desdemona, by asking her to intervene and vouch for him. This in turn, will help Iago progress with his plan of making it look like Cassio has an affair with Desdemona, only to make Othello jealous and suspicious. The following conversation explains

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