
The Man Who Lost His Body

Decent Essays

The man who lost his body The man who lost his body is a remarkable video about a man who had lost complete body movements due to nerve damage, and how he recuperate his body to perform normal task again. In the first half of the video the man explained how he was extremely angry and frustrated with the lack of knowledge doctors had about his condition. No matter what they did he could not get any help and he refused to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Due to this he decided to take manners into his own hands, and believed he could rebuild his damaged nerve. The man thought to make a special connection or link between his mind and muscle, by visualizing and thinking about each body movement. The man spent countless hours structuring his mind to analyze each movement and trying to mind control each muscle. To his surprise this technique started to work and the man started to receive hope that he would be able to “find” his body again. Due to his surprising results the man decided to repeat every movement for countless hours so his brain could remember his movements. Results improved and by 4 months he was able to put on socks and soon he was walking by himself. The man also tried to restructure his gesture, but choreographing hand movements and training his brain to remember how to move while he is in public. Overall the Man who lost his body is a remarkable story about a man who rearranged or trained his brain to control muscle movements. While watching this

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