What is Child abuse?
When someone especially caregiver physically or sexually or psychological mistreat a child or children, is know as Child abuse. It may include any act which give potential harm to children. It may happen in an organization or school or even at home. Child neglect is also an term for child abuse.
There are many types of child abuse, which are given as below:
➢ Physical abuse.
➢ Neglect
➢ Emotional
➢ Psychological
In the globe, as population is increasing day by day, number of child abuse cases are also increasing. Every day, many children all over the globe face extreme cases. Many questions stands.
● How to control child abuse?
● What are major side effects of child abuse?
● What are signs and symptoms of child abuse?
● What are laws and punishment for child abuse?
● Who abuses children mostly?
We will discuss them
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Withholding emotional support, isolation, or terrorizing a child are forms of psychological abuse. Domestic violence that is witnessed by a child is also considered a form of psychological abuse.
How to control child Abuse?
You can control up child abuse and child neglect by educating every one and spreading awareness about child abuse and if you see or feel that a child has been abused or harassed, go ask him or her, and report to the nearest station.
Number One
• Be a parent who always listen to his children. Always love them and be friends with them, and when they are growing, make sure you understand what they want and what they need.
Number Two
• You got to see yiur friends, neighbors and relatives. Everyone is not at his or her parenting responsibilities. Be helping hand for someone who doesnt know how to look forward to his or her
Every day children around the world are being abused by their parents, trusted adult, caregiver and peers. Children are constantly suffering when there are things that everyone as a community can do help them. Psychologists, social workers and the victims to childhood abuse have studied and worked together to establish precautionary measures to execute child abuse all together.
Child maltreatment, also referred to as child maltreatment and neglect, includes all the various forms of abuse ranging from physical, emotional and sexual abuse to neglect and exploitation. This type of abuse can result in the potential or actual harm to a child's health, there development and dignity.
In conclusion, it is beyond any agency, facility or government to keep child abuse from happening in today’s society in which children are suffering and perhaps dying from child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect are problems that can be alarming and can cause an amazing psychological and economic direst to the child and the abuser. By identifying early on child abuse can be treated to prevent long term occurrences of abuse. Also through treatment a child(ren) can be taken from that environment and placed into a haven to regain trust and continue to receive on-going support. It is every child’s need to be loved, protected and care for in a way that prevents him/her from maltreatment and harm as well as bringing those who mistreat them to justice. When these children are abused and neglected steps must be taken to ensure their safety.
Child abuse is defined as the mistreatment of children or minors, resulting in a variety of harmful and damaging results with regard to the well being and safety of the victim. Child abuse can range in the details and circumstances in which the offence takes place; child abuse can take place in a direct physical fashion, which includes attack and physical assault
“The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act” states’ that “child abuse is the leading cause of death in children under the age of eighteen.” Child abuse occurs when adults inflict violence and cruelty upon children. Abuse is any willful act that results in physical, mental, or sexual injury that causes or is likely to cause the child to be physically, mental, or emotionally impaired. Abuse happens to children of any age, sex, race, religion, and social status.
There is not one specific type of child abuse in fact there are more than one form of child mistreatment such as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Before going into further details of the problems and treatment of child abuse; one must know what child abuse is. The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides a standard legal definition of child abuse, CAPTA (2010) states:
A type of child abuse is Physical abuse, this refers to a violent interaction with a child a parent's in which the parent inflicts bodily harm on to their child. Emotional abuse is abuse in which parents hurt their child’s feeling of rejection, abandonment, belittlement, name-calling, threatening, isolation or exploitation their child. Sexual abuse is when a child has exposed sex-related talk to sex-related actions that inflict some sort of harm on to a child. Neglect is another form of abuse where parents fail to care for their child’s basic needs, fail to provide a decent standard of living for their child and safety.
Child abuse is epidemic in many countries as well as the United States. It is estimated that every thirteen seconds a child is abused in some manner: physically, sexually, emotionally or by neglect (Friedman). Each year, there are over 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States involving more than 6 million children. Child abuse can be reduced with proper education of the parents and with greater public awareness.
Restating Thesis: tackling the issue of child abuse, the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds used functional feasibility, operational feasibility, and geographical consideration to prevent children from suffering by ensuring them with trust and prevention funds.
Child abuse started when the humanity began. Every society has number of abusing situations for children. According to Dictionary.com, child abuse is “mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, neglect, beating, and sexual molestation”. In other words, child abuse is treating a child badly emotionally, as well as neglect and physical and sexual treatment.
Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.
People may not be aware, but any one of their peers, friends, or neighbors may be victims of child abuse. Every day, someone experiences physical, emotional, neglect, and/or sexual abuse. Abuse can lead to death or injury for the rest of a victim's life, from either the perpetrator or themselves. In order to prevent child abuse society must: recognize the types of abuse, understand common causes of abuse, know the characteristics of abusers, and realize the effects abuse has, not just on the child, but on families and communities across the world.
Child abuse is mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, beating, and sexual molestation.Child abuse happens to children all over the world. There are four different types of child abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and child neglect. Approximately 5 children die everyday because of child abuse. child abuse can physically and mentally harm a child by having Symptoms of nightmares, depression, and isolation. These symptoms can continue into adulthood. “one out of three girls and one out of five boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18”. nobody knows what 's going on at home because the children are scared or either threaten by the abuser to not tell anyone anything.
The following paper is about Child Abuse. This paper will look into the description of the problem, the policies that has helped solved the problem, involvement in resolving the problem, and person recommendations on changing the approach of the problem.
Child abuse is the biggest curse for any society. It has become a major issue for discussion due to its seriousness and brutality.