
The Major Side Effects Of Child Abuse Of A Child And Children

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What is Child abuse?
When someone especially caregiver physically or sexually or psychological mistreat a child or children, is know as Child abuse. It may include any act which give potential harm to children. It may happen in an organization or school or even at home. Child neglect is also an term for child abuse.
There are many types of child abuse, which are given as below:

➢ Physical abuse.
➢ Neglect
➢ Emotional
➢ Psychological

In the globe, as population is increasing day by day, number of child abuse cases are also increasing. Every day, many children all over the globe face extreme cases. Many questions stands.
● How to control child abuse?
● What are major side effects of child abuse?
● What are signs and symptoms of child abuse?
● What are laws and punishment for child abuse?
● Who abuses children mostly?
We will discuss them …show more content…

Withholding emotional support, isolation, or terrorizing a child are forms of psychological abuse. Domestic violence that is witnessed by a child is also considered a form of psychological abuse.

How to control child Abuse?
You can control up child abuse and child neglect by educating every one and spreading awareness about child abuse and if you see or feel that a child has been abused or harassed, go ask him or her, and report to the nearest station.

Number One
• Be a parent who always listen to his children. Always love them and be friends with them, and when they are growing, make sure you understand what they want and what they need.

Number Two
• You got to see yiur friends, neighbors and relatives. Everyone is not at his or her parenting responsibilities. Be helping hand for someone who doesnt know how to look forward to his or her

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