
The Main Ideas About Community

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This report aims to summarize the main ideas about community available in literature and to describe briefly modern concepts such ' Community Development '. In order to examine end establish what are the main assets of a particular community , a wide range of networks , issues, services, resources will be explored. An overview of a theoretical framework and models will be given, to analyze critically the findings, offering viable solutions, that replace the old, traditional strategies with new approaches that value the skills , knowledge and capacity of every individual or community.
CONTENT-Literature research
Changing views about 'Community '

The definition of the term community has a long and detailed history, encapsulating concerns of belonging and identity, time and place, difference and similarity, exclusion or inclusion. There is no much social literature about this concept before 1910. In 1915, C.J Galpin is the first one who coins it, offering a clear sociological definition . It was used to demarcate the small rural communities in terms of service area and trade surrounding a central village. (Harper and Dunham 1959). This first attempt of defining the community, was quickly followed by various competing definitions. Some of them described community as a geographical area, others, focused on community as a group of people living and sharing a particular location, place, while another category, looked at it as a common area of life. For example, Frazer

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