
The Main Effects Of The Civil Rights Movement

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When did the Civil Rights Movement start ? Why? The civil rights movement started on December 1 , 1955 when Rosa Parks a african woman , was arrested for refusing to go to the back of the bus in Montgomery , Alabama . Many people had gotten hit and brutally hit and almost killed . Book written by David Kenneth and he mainly talks about the main effects of the civil right movement , he talks about the working towards integration and emphasis on diversity and for immigrants to have the right to vote .Many blacks died because of white people thinking they have the right to kill and getting away with it or just hurting black people because they know they won’t defend themselves back .They need to stand up for their rights and be able to help each other because we are all equal it doesn’t matter if we are black , chinese , asian, latin, or anything else because we are all equal we are all humans . We all deserve the right to vote and have rights because we all live in the same country and are all the same and should be treated the same and not just judge because of our color of skin . Why judge if we are all human beings ? Also the problem by poverty , compounded by drugs , crime and broken families was not solved by the civil rights movement so not everything was solved there was still crimes being done and people still sold drugs . Another point was that because of Martin Luther King many things were fought for and many understood like people from chicago saw and many

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