
The Magnificent Mom Award

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The Magnificent Mom Award
The sight of an unwavering smile, the pitter-patter of little feet, and the sound of a grateful friend unable to give enough gratitude. To others, these may be completely random, but to me, they make up my mom. My mom is always showing a smile no matter the situation. She has four children (one of which is a one-year-old) to whom she teaches the lessons of life beautifully. My mom also constantly has open arms for new friendships. The Magnificent Mom Award reflects her personality as a loving person, mother, and friend.
My mom’s smile never leaves her face, even in the toughest of situations, creating an expression of positivity and love for others. Whenever those around her are saddened, she ignites their happiness with her smile. Her smile can …show more content…

She will never say no to a friend in need. She will bend over backward for her friends. For example, she takes her friend’s daughter to theater class an hour away (because her friend would still be at work) every Monday. She also watches my little cousins every week along with her own kids to help with my aunt and uncle’s complicated schedule. My mom is also constantly giving to her friends. She will give them passed down clothes, books, movies, and more. Many friends are often unable to thank her enough. In conclusion, my mom is the example of what a true friend can be.
My mom deserves The Magnificent Mother Award because of her admirable ways of being an astonishing person, mom, and friend. My mom will always pause for anybody, whether it is a stranger, family member, or friend. She possesses many characteristics that make her my role model, for example, her loyalty to everybody. My mom also has the quality of selflessness; she will give anything for anyone. In conclusion, my mom deserves this award for her many qualities that make her an ideal role model. Sometimes I wonder if I had a different mother what kind of person I would

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