
The Magickal Tattoos Of Melenn Hetrick

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The Magickal Tattoos of Glenn Hetrick Upper Chest: Original imagery of the traditional Memento Mori, an oft used symbol within certain secret societies (particularly Masons and Rosicrucians) and as art on gravestones, the meaning of which is to “Remember Death,” or more to the point, remember to live because you are mortal and will die. I chose to deviate from more traditional versions of this symbol in order to encompass multitudinous levels of symbolism from a range of magickal schools that have influenced me. The entire piece is dedicated to the God form Thoth (hence the use of the Ibis head in place of the more common eagle) as he stands in judgment of us after death. According to the Egyptians, by weighing our hearts on a scale he can determine our worth in life and therefore our appropriate path in the …show more content…

Seal of Andromalius - From the Goetia (Lesser Key of Solomon) Seal of Vassago - From the Goetia (Lesser Key of Solomon) Seal of Astaroth - From the Goetia (Lesser Key of Solomon) Seal of Foras - From the Goetia (Lesser Key of Solomon) Inner Bicep Right Arm: Sigil 21 (Swan within the Oval and Square) Inner Right Forearm: Hexagram, Pentagram and Secret Seal of Solomon from the Goetia (Lesser Key of Solomon) Outer Right Forearm: The Hermit Tarot Upper left arm: Lament Box Side 3 One of the Three designs that, in duplicate, make up the six sides of the Hellraiser Box, Or Lament Configuration. Sigil (Hand with Candle) Sigil 6 (Unicorn) Sigil 3 (Sun in Triangle) Back of Left Tricep: Protection Seal Figure 8 - From the Mystic Figures of the Enchiridion Inner Bicep Left Arm: Sigil 12 (Moon within the Square) Inner Left Forearm: Sigil 13 (Jeova) Sigil 14 (Middle Image, Diamond in Circle) Sigil 19 (Miserere Deus) Outer Left Forearm: The Death Tarot - Slight personal redesign of an ancient version of the card. Left

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