
The Lynx Synthesis

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This is my constellation named the Lynx. The lynx constellation has many myths though i am going to tell you one of the shorter ones. What this myth was about was that a person named Hevelius named the constellation between Gemini, Auriga, and Ursa Major which is Lynx. He had named this constellation because it is so faint that no one like Hevelius could see it unless you had the eyesight of a Lynx. Because of this he challenged many people who used telescopes. Hevelius loved 3 qualities of the Lynx. They were it seeks, it sees, but it cannot be seen. This Lynx constellation is the 28th largest. Though it can only be seen during December through March in the Northern sky. Its major star is Alpha Lyncis. It is 55 times the sun’s radius. Shining

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