The Long Night: Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction Storybrooke is home of the fairy tales but doesn’t always end right. Regina Mills lives with her husband, Robin, and her son, Roland. One day Regina, Robin, and Roland were taking a road trip to New York. They rode through the day expecting to get there at night. While they were driving off the bridge to leave Storybrooke, a crazy driver was spinning out control and hit their car. It all happened so fast, they got hit and then slid into the sidewall. All Regina could remember was waking up with blood all over her hands and see Roland and Robin unconscious. It took the paramedics about 10 minutes to get there because the crazy driver wasn’t able to call but another driver saw the accident and called …show more content…
Robin had a major cut on his arm and had to get it stitched up, other than that he had some minor bruises. On the other hand, Roland wasn’t doing so good. He had some small cuts but he hit his head pretty hard and they needed to wait a while till he woke up. While people walked in and out of his room giving him teddy bears and flowers. Tired, worried, and hungry, Regina stayed with Roland in the hospital till he woke up. Roland didn’t wake up till later that evening and he finally opened his eyes. Regina got so happy she called Robin and he made his way to the hospital. Even though Roland woke up he had some minor head trauma and the doctors wanted to keep him overnight. So Regina agreed and stayed until the visiting hours ended and went home. Regina and Robin were both worried the entire night but they were also relieved that the got through this. In the hospital, while Roland was fast asleep, a man dressed as a doctor wheeled Roland out quickly and quietly. Obviously, no one questioned him because he looked like another doctor. The unknown man wheel Roland right out the door and the hospital staff didn’t notice he was gone for about 30 minutes when a nurse came in to check on him. They called
At the beginning of these chapters they thought their luck was changing, but sadly it was not. The Kommandant and the Oberscharfuher were talking about how Roosevelt was dead and how they would win. After this happened they shortly arrived at Lager Tekla a small Hungarian Jewish women’s camp. Magda was separated from the them because she was already a Lager worker. Magda’s barrack was bombed out, but she escaped just in time and joined jutka and mother. They were later herded to Schonau Lager. At this camp they were a little scared of the americans constant bombing. At this new camp there were some captured soldiers who offered bits and pieces of information about what was going on in the war. Jutka, Magda, and mother were forced to go on a march, but
Regina started to spent less time at home and more time reading in the woods. They move again to Rocky Point during the winter, once they get there Cookie leaves to be with new boyfriend Red Devil, leaving them alone, not registered for school, without food and without heat. Regina’s older sister Cherie get’s sick of pneumonia and social services took them away once again. After Cherie recovers Cookie regains custody and Karl has agreed to return if Cookie stops drinking, the day Cookie came home smelling like alcohol Karl left. That year they go visit their grandparents are rejected and for the next two months they are living in their mother’s car. They are left alone in the car at night when she goes with someone to spend the night. When they do find someplace to live they have to leave due to the neighbors noticing the children are not going to school, are again living in the car. A few months later both Cherie and Camille moveout. When their mom gets a job at a Deli live in a room upstairs from it. Cookie gets upset when Regina comes home late resulting with her mother throwing a pan when Camille intervene her mother pushes her down the stairs. She was taken to the hospital. The hospital staff did not ask about their mother or went deeper into the story they told. Regina knew her sisters were not going to stay she decided to get a job at age 11 at the same place her mother works in. Her mother would
Ready Player One hits some of the same situations as in the holocaust or for the book that we read “Night” like taking people spread out over a good area and combining them into a small dense area. They both also touch on the topic of how when someone is killed or something is blown up now one raises an eyebrow or if they do no one does anything about it.
My book report is for A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I chose this book because it describes the life of a twelve year old girl during the Great Berlin Wall. This book is about a young girl named Greta who is separated from her father and brother because of the Berlin Wall. One day Greta gets a message from her father. She thinks he wants her to start digging a tunnel. Greta finds and old abandoned building where she starts digging. Greta and her brother Fritz work long, tireless, never-ending days digging. One day there was someone of the other side of the tunnel, it was Papa. Once the tunnel was completed they set through it, escaping the treacherous East side, to the colorful bright West.
Only about 3,546,211 people survived the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the main leader of the Holocaust, he did this because of his discrimination of Jews. There were more than just Jews killed, there were gay people, priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters. The Holocaust happened between 1933 through 1945 in Germany and Poland. Night, is an autobiography written by Elie Wisel who was involved in the Holocaust. Auschwitz Death Camp, it is a video documentary of the death camp including Elie Wisel and Oprah Winfrey. The truth about the Holocaust to me is horrendous, all the torturing they had to go through
The book I’m reading is Night by Elie Wiesel. This book took place back in the Nazi days when Adolf Hitler was the ruler. The Nazi killed and punished the Jews for not obeying the rules or not believing in what Adolf Hitler believed in. Elie Wiesel was a regular young boy who wasn’t going for bad. He lived a normal childhood life until the Nazis started capturing the Jews and killing them. He was a young boy so he didn’t know what was going on at that moment.
In Ellie Wiesel’s non-fiction novel, Night, he is telling his experiences of living in a concentration camp. The following passage is one that gives an example of how human lives were disregarded, “Faster, you filthy dogs! We were no longer marching, we were running like automatons. The SS were running as well, weapons in hand. We looked as though we were running from them.
“Fifteen. No. You’re eighteen.”. This book is titled Night, by Elie Wiesel and this is about Elie Wiesel when he was a teenager, but then suddenly a friend, a man at that time had been seemingly insane; however, the madman spoke the truth, but the way he expressed it made no one believe him. Until more than a year or so had passed, then all of these “displeasing” events has been occurring and then changed their whole life in that one moment. The theme is that no matter the circumstance( for example having an progressing ladder towards hell) the inner soul has an unbreakable will. To sum it up in simpler terms being forced by a much greater power and turning his identity into a fantasy type peasant going through many punishments, the protagonist
Dreadful. Dark. Depressing. In the memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie and his father are taken to a concentration camps as prisoners. They are both taken to a concentration camp and spend almost a year inside the camp.
Night, by Elie Wiesel, is a story about a Jewish boy growing up during World War II. The main character in the book, Eliezer Wiesel, talks about the different experiences he had during World War II. He started off by talking about how everything was normal, and no one was too worried about the war that was going on. One man, Moishe the Beadle, was taken off to another country, and when he managed to get back, he warned everyone what would happened if they did not leave. A few people listened to him, but not Eliezer’s parents. A couple years later, when the war sounded like it was almost over, Germans entered the town that Eliezer’s family were living in. After this, the
The book, Night, is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, which tells a story of Elie and his terrifying experience during the Holocaust. Elie was a 15-year-old Jewish teenager when he and his family got deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. First, when he arrives at the camp, he gets separated from his mother and sisters. Moreover, his only hope becomes to stay with his old father and be with him as they transfer from one camp to the next. There he perceives the destruction of humanity and also faces extreme cruelty. Elie talks about the death of his family members and therefore how he changes as an individual. Throughout various experiences and in extreme situations, humans can persevere. People survive when they have a desire to live and someone along their journey. They do not lose hope in life and keep their faith. Most importantly, they show courage and do not relinquish in difficult situations. Humans can endure extreme suffering by having companionship, remaining faithful in life, and being valiant in the situation.
Night by Elie Wiesel was published in 1955 and narrates the author’s personal experiences during the Holocaust. Young Elie Wiesel recounts his struggles as he was forced into various concentration camps through his writing. The events that are written in Wiesel’s Night exemplify the brutality evident during the 1940’s Nazi Era. Eliezar Wiesel was born on on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Transylvania, now Romania. He attended a nearby yeshiva, a Jewish institution that studies traditional religious texts, until he was fifteen years old.
The Nobel Peace Prize winning novel, Night, by Elie Wiesel is a novel that is very teachable. It is very historical, educational, and a great short read. The book only consists of a little over one hundred pages, but it should be a required read for all high school students for various reasons, all though we’ve all learned about the Holocaust at a certain period of time.
In her written letter she claims that she only has hope because she believes that she might see her lover once more, based on this you can infer that Regina had a good relationship and valued the people that she send the letter to because she writes, “ my great love for you, Mutzek, gave me strength,.” This supports the fact of how Regina has a loveable relationship with her partner. Regina claims that her love for Mutzek is what is keeping her alive at this time and moment. Regina Kandt also expresses the loss of religious faith. In her letter she writes, “I am writing in case I don’t survive…” This writing supports how Regina had a thought that she might not make it, “in case” she doesn’t survive. During this time, people did not know if they were going to live another day or hour. But the letter that she sent to Mutzek gave her faith that she might as well survive on the love of the people that she
Night by Elie Wiesel was one of the best books I have ever read. Night is the story about Elie’s horrible time spent in Auschwitz and Buna the death camps. This story impacted me the most because all of this is real. Elie’s mother and sister were murdered as soon as they arrived. The story goes on telling his unimaginable experiences with his father in 1944 during the Holocaust.