THE LISTENING SPACE: ABOUT Hi! I’m Jillian Ramsden and I’ve created The Listening Space in Cheltenham, Victoria to take a holistic approach to your health and well-being. I offer a range of counselling and psychotherapy techniques in a confidential, safe and secure environment. This is a non-judgmental place to talk about life and what is bothering you. Using an emotion-focused approach; I can help you overcome depression, anxiety, grief and loss, trauma or any other personal issues you may be facing. I believe we all have the ability to create change however, as Lesley Greenburg says “In order to change; a person cannot leave a place until they have arrived.” Through emotion focused therapy (EFT), I can help unlock the healing power of change within you, enabling you to move forward from your past and find renewed direction …show more content… - send me a message to make an appointment or call during business hours on 0407 747 416 THE LISTENING SPACE: SERVICES Transpersonal Counselling Transpersonal counseling takes a more holistic approach than traditional forms of counselling. While still addressing the individual’s thoughts and feelings, transpersonal counselling encompasses the spiritual and unconscious forces present in the subject to not only normalise their thought processes but allow them to reach their full human potential. Therapeutic Touch Therapeutic Touch is a scientifically based healing method in which the human energy field is re-patterned in order to promote health and healing. Developed in 1972 by Prof. Dolores Kreiger, PHD, RN, and natural healer Dora Kunz, Therapeutic Touch is now practiced in over 90 countries. Treatments last up to 30 minutes and have been shown to lower anxiety, reduce pain, stabilize blood pressure, support the healing process and induce relaxation among many other benefits. The Liquid
Process Experiential Emotion-Focused Therapy (PEEFT) is an approach used to improve the regulation, expression, acceptance, integration and transformation of emotional experiences. Emotions govern the way we interact with the world around us and serve as the primary driver of decision making, allowing us to identify potential risk and understanding personal needs and desires. The process of Emotion Focused therapy (EFT) is essentially to improve overall emotional intelligence by working with the clients current emotional experiences, understanding maladaptive emotional scheme that may be preventing the clients personal growth and impeding on their everyday life and experiencing. The EFT therapist guides the client through a process of awareness and expression of emotions that can then be understood, reflected upon, integrated and transformed to add meaning to their personal experiences.
In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a big problem that the Woods University has with its budget. In the listening passage a woman talks about the solution that the University wants to apply to increase its funds.
Heidt (1981) found TT of benefit to cardiovascular patient. Heidt studied therapeutic touch (TT) using 30 patients as the subjects in three groups. Group A received TT, group B casual TT and group C none. Results showed a significant reduction in anxiety in group
Clinically appropriate touch increases the client’s sense of trust, comfort and ease with the therapist. As a result touch is highly effective in enriching beneficial relationship between client and therapist. The meaning of touch can only be understood within the context of who the client is, the therapeutic relationship, and the setting. There are instances when the use of touch should be avoided for those clients who are highly paranoid, hostile, highly sexualized or who demand touch.
Therapeutic Touch or TT is a part of bio-field therapies that seeks to “affect the energy fields that purportedly surround and penetrate the body so as to enhance healing and promote well-being” (Natural Standard, 2015). Developed in the 1970’s by Dora Kunz a psychic healer and Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN, Therapeutic touch was instituted as a way to better work with patients and facilitate in their healing. There are four basic steps in TT; centering, assessment, intervention and evaluation ( Natural Standard, 2015). In centering, the provider focuses all their energy on the patient to help the patient relax and become comfortable. In the assessment stage, the provider is assessing for energy
My experience at The Goddard School in Clay County was no doubt, a very memorable one. The school itself was located within a very nice area and house roughly about 70 to 80 students. Furthermore, the ages pertaining to the school range from infant to prekindergartens. Though each classroom, students are taught on a more personal level to maintain a better understanding towards a specific topic. Enhanced methods of learning are implemented to tutor children within the school with disabilities. Correspondingly, these students receive amplified instructions to augment each and every one of their learning experiences.
Corporations across the globe deal in international business practices every day. When a company must to do business in countries with a high level of corruption, a company should have a plan that helps to maintain control over a key piece of intellectual property or some production process component that allows company to maintain power in the relationship.
I have chosen to explore the concept analysis of therapeutic touch for stress reduction with adults in my current medical-surgical environment in the hospital. I my opinion, nurses use touch or nonverbal communication on a daily basis, even without being aware of it. When we touch a patient’s hand to comfort them, we are using Therapeutic Touch (TT). The definition of TT has been described as “a technique often included in alternative medicine in which the practitioner passes his or her hands over the body of the person being treated and that is held to induce relaxation, reduce pain, and promote healing” (Merriam-Webster, 2015) . This definition correlates with Albert Einstein’s theory in the field of physics “that energy
Imagine the ability to block out negative emotions with targeted finger taps throughout the body’s region. It’s possible with Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, one of several innovative therapies provided by Hypnotic Solutions in Cincinnati, OH. Not only is the acupressure program simple to learn it can also soothe physical ailments.
Dolores Krieger RN and Dora Kunz discovered the nursing technique called therapeutic touch and it emerged in the early 1970s. Therapeutic touch is energy therapy that is said to facilitate healings and reduce any pain or anxiety a person is facing. Therapeutic touch is an interpretation of multiple ancient healing practices that is supposed to reduce a person’s suffering. This is a healing technique is also commonly used as a nursing technique that does not have any type of contact. In the online articled named, Further Notes on Therapeutic Touch, the author Kevin Courcey, R.N., states that, “…the original protocol was based on actual physical touch [3], subsequent research claimed that similar results could be obtained without touching the
The Transpersonal theory has evolved over the past two decades, driving the desire to learn more about the higher self. “A person doesn’t have to be sick in order to get better” (Tuner, 2011, p.551,) The history and development will be discussed within the essay. Central ideas of treatment approach will be included. Strengths and weaknesses of the Transpersonal Theory within social work will be addressed in great detail. There will be an assessment of a case and the client within the micro system. The major goals and expected outcomes within the micro system will be listed. To help understand how practitioner work with clients the intervention techniques will be addressed. To give a holistic view of the Transpersonal Theory the ethical issues implicit in the approach will be stated. Finally, the application of professional self, and the use of the model with the micro system.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an unconventional approach to healing, and unlike traditional psychotherapy or other talk therapies, it does not take months or years for progress to be made. Resolutions of longstanding fears,
The ability to listen well is an important tool for understanding others. Sadly, very few people know how to listen well. In fact, most people can think of only one or two good listeners in their lives. Listening is not simply agreeing - it is much more. Good listeners are able to better understand and respond to others, complete assignments accurately, settle disagreements before they escalate, and establish rapport with difficult people.
A vital aspect of interpersonal communication is the style in which one listens. While every individual possesses their own preferred method of listening in communication, it can be enlightening to analyze our own strengths and weaknesses so as to maximize effectual communication. Within the confines of four main listening style categories, I have chosen those which best describe my own personal listening style.
The understanding of all objects that are made for human use are influenced with the themes of communication. Designs treat form not only as value itself but also in the means of pleasing and shaping the appearance of objects for an effect that’s intended for whatever. Design can be viewed as a rhetoric, which is an art of reshaping society, changing the course of individuals and setting patterns for new action. Technologists argue that technology is part of broader art and design, an art of thought and communication that can move in other’s wide range of beliefs by persuasion, about practice life for the individual and groups. Rhetoricians are expert in form of intended to persuade communication. Design is an art of thought directed to action that’s practiced through persuasiveness of objects and therefore design invades the lively expression of ideas that are competing about social life.