On 1997 at Warner Creek Timber Sale, infuriated protesters dug a deep hole underground to prevent any machine or equipment to pass them. In their attempt to save the forest's wild trees from being cut, they were arrested. Afterwards, a similar event took place, this time it was in the city. Out of the blue, the city decided to chop off the trees that were planted there but once again the people who spoke for the trees came into action to try to stop this outrageous act. Once they came out the city decided to give them a chance and agreed to a meeting. Unexpectedly, the city simply decided to cut off the trees one day before the meeting. Desperate to save the trees and try to send a message that they matter, the protesters climbed the …show more content…
The police were then allowed to attack the activists just to cut off the tree. This is truly something to be ashamed about, the police are there to serve us and not to attack simply because innocent people wanted to save a tree that probably took hundreds of years to grow into the majestic being it was. Now, you may wonder, how does this make me think about "The Rules"... well, it makes me think that they are there for a reason and should be followed, but when the people in charge start to hurt us, "The Rules" are no longer acceptable. Sometimes breaking the rules is for the greater good, just make sure you are on the logical side, the side where you know nature matters.
The E.L.F. stands for Earth Liberation Front and is an organization that is responsible for many terrorist attacks but none of their attacks were targeted to hurt anybody, and they never hurt anyone. This started when a group of activists saw that their peaceful protest wasn't enough they decided to go a further to state their message. They used mostly used smart inventions to create their mass destruction in hopes to send their message to stop forest destruction. The attack in 1996 Oakridge Ranger Station was one of some of the attacks by E.L.F. was setting 8 million dollars worth of building and much other equipment. Then in 1997 in Cavell West Processing Plant the E.L.F. burned the plant for its massive slaughter of wild horses. In the case of the 2000 Superior Lumber Company disturbance,
Green’s world had changed a lot after her family was killed from the massive fire in the city. In the novel, it says, “My grief was cold. It was nothing to share…But I was lazy and did no work. What was the point?” (Hoffman 21, 22). After her family was killed in the fire, Green feels as if there is no point in life anymore. She does not care about what happens to her anymore, but her feelings begin to change. As the chapter continues, it says, “Wherever I went, I carried stones in my pockets, my hands, my boots. It was my duty, my burden, my gift, my soul, the reason I woke in the morning and went to sleep at night. Now I had a purpose, to build the stone stacks…Soon enough, I began wearing my father’s old black boots and a battered leather
Read The Green Killer by M.E. Kerr and answer the questions below in complete sentences
In the short story of Margaret Lundberg ‘’Eating Green’’ Margaret has grown up being a vegetarian because her mother fed up with healthy foods, that included vegies in her meal and plain yogurt for breakfast. As the time passed by, she became a mother and transported a vegetarian diet to her family as well as she was accustomed to its lifestyle. Margaret had realized that if everyone becomes a vegan it could make a huge impact and contribute to benefit on saving the planet we live on. The purpose of the argument is to encourage others to consider taking a vegetarian diet; It will likely reduced badly effects in our health. By considering/ taking in mind a vegetarian diet it could decrease the percent of people suffering from obesity, diabetes,
The short story, Green, by Anne Enright, is about an organic farmer who now bears the fruit of her many years of devoted labour in organic produce. The story describes her emotions towards a woman named Gertie, a woman who criticized her organic vegetables when her business was poor, but orders the vegetables when her business is booming.
The violence over the main character is very usual in Flannery O'Connor stories in order to experience conversion. The most important purpose of O'Connor was to shock her smug protagonists, like Mrs. May, out of their complacency and bring them violently into an awareness of their inadequacy before the eyes of God. The violence which accompanies the revelation of God's grace and the agent of this grace (the bull) is not a penance; for O'Connor, this violence is more similar to a blessing.
Since the beginning of the Human Race, gathering a sufficient amount of food has always proved to be a challenge. The Green Revolution attempted to solve this problem by creating and applying new techniques and technologies. The Green Revolution was created out of necessity and caused social changes, discontent with some of the effects, and the overall quality of living to be improved but the improvement of living quality had the greatest effect because this led to higher overall populations which in turn created the need to feed an even greater population.
The Green Revolution a period of time that genetically modified crops were engineered, pesticides and fertilizer were created starting in the 1940s ending in the 1960s. This period caused a lot of debate on the Green Revolution some stating it positively affected the world and some stating that it negatively affected the world. The positives of the Green Revolution include increasing yields, increasing profit for farmers, lowering prices for foods which then allows the poor afford the food, and crops can be genetically modified to contain specific vitamin. The Green revolution is negative because it caused an increase in global pollution, chemical pollution, and health risks due to the exposure to the chemical produced during the Green Revolution.
The man who made it into the 1995 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Al Green expressed soul music’s mix of spiritual and profane. Al was one of the Seventies’ most popular singers, selling over 20 million albums. His wild cries and moans came directly from gospel music. Eventually he turned away from his sins and went back to the church and became Reverend Al.
Throughout the American South, of many Negro’s childhood, the system of segregation determined the patterns of life. Blacks attended separate schools from whites, were barred from pools and parks where whites swam and played, from cafes and hotels where whites ate and slept. On sidewalks, they were expected to step aside for whites. It took a brave person to challenge this system, when those that did suffered a white storm of rancour. Affronting this hatred, with assistance from the Federal Government, were nine courageous school children, permitted into the 1957/8 school year at Little Rock Central High. The unofficial leader of this band of students was Ernest Green.
i)The most important information that influenced Green & Co’s decision to enter the US market
The one-child policy is a population control policy that was introduced in 1979 to relive social, economic, and environmental problems in China. At the time the growth rate of China’s population was very high and the main purpose of the policy was to limit the large family units in the country to one child each. After implementing the policy, the government hoped to see reduction in the growth rate of its enormous population. Sometimes couples can have a second child only if their first was a girl or had disabilities. As of today, China’s government believes that their one-child policy will result in a wealthier, healthier
Forcible removals implemented by the police-obedient to direct orders from officials, are based upon laws of that particular state. Freedom of speech does not mean planting yourself as a seed upon the lawns of a privately owned land, as has been the case for forcible removal of undeterred protestors camped out on privately owned Zuccotti Park. The park protestor’s research must have been poorly done. Most recently, the United Nations has stepped in to say that the United States government is mistreating demonstrators by removing them from protest areas. Incredibly, the happenstance of an event is inviting unsolicited comments from allies in other countries.
What’s the one thing everyone wants to achieve in life and is the ultimate end for every action people do? Philosophers from almost every generation are trying to figure out what that is, some even referring to it as “the good”. But what is “the good”? Epicurus would argue that “the good” is simply pleasure, honor, and glory; however, that is not the ultimate end for every action people do. According to Aristotle, the ultimate end that every action seeks is happiness and that’s “the good” everyone desires. The idea of happiness being the ultimate end, is superior to Epicurus’s idea of pleasure, honor, and glory, due to the fact that all those things are intended to bring forth some form of happiness. Therefore, happiness must be what everyone
The green revolution is generally used to explain the application of modern, western-type farming techniques to less economically developed countries. The Green Revolution = == ==
Most teenagers have parents they can rely on. Whether it’s their mom or their dad or any other guardian. Both my mom and dad have been a big part of my life. However, at times it feel like my mom is my only parent. My dad would oftentimes unconsciously act like he isn’t my dad and more so, not part of the family. He never had much to say and seemed like he was always in his own little world. I don’t see my friends’ dad being like that so why is my dad acting this way? As far as I remember, I don’t remember my dad doing anything very memorable for me. As he become more uninvolved with the family, I became more involved. Because of my dad, I learned how to become independent and not rely him anymore. However, despite his ignorance, my dad is still my dad and I love him.