
The Liberal World Order Essay examples

Decent Essays

The Liberal World Order

The liberal world order is as much an economic idea, as it is a political one. The liberal world order is very much based on the rule of law. Such things are apparent in a liberal world order such as individual liberties, private property and free trade.

According to Ludwig von Mises, a liberal world order was inseparable from liberal economic policies:

“A nation’s policy forms an integral whole. Foreign policy and domestic policy are closely linked together, they condition each other. Economic nationalism is the corollary of the present-day domestic policies of government interference with business and of national planning, as free trade was the complement of …show more content…

The first of these stated by Mises was a free market for labour, in other words, the level of wages and conditions should be set by the employers, after negotiation with the employees, rather than being controlled by the government.

The second economic constraint set out by Mises was that there should be a market economy, whereby the forces in the market should be left to work freely, that supply and demand should be left to determine price rather than the government regulating this.

Thirdly, free trade is seen as an essential aspect of a liberal world order, he stated that it must be free to import and export between countries, with out control by governments.

Finally, there must be a free market monetary system in place, in that the government must not control either the value or the flow of money in the economy

Mises also argued that, if a country’s domestic economic activity was to be fully privatised, this would mean that the economic activity in that country would effectively be free from political influences, as it would not be the government controlling it.

He argued that the way to attain peace and prosperity was not by governing and controlling, but rather by limiting the level of governance, and that society would naturally sort itself out.

This idea was also agreed by Ricardo:

“Under a

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