
The Laws Of Motion And Bouncing Balls

Good Essays

Ali Abdoussi 9/23/14
Prussing School 104/7th The Laws of Motion and Bouncing Balls

Welcome to The Laws of Motion and Bouncing Balls. This paper will be talking about how the laws of motion play into how high a ball bounces. Sir Isaac Newton a man that lived in the 17th century. During his life time he discovered many laws such as the laws of gravity, and the laws of motion. There are three laws of motion: Inertia which means an objects motion will remain the same unless an external force is applied to it. The second law is the law of force which is the most powerful of the three laws this means that when you multiply the objects mass and acceleration you will find the amount of force an object has. The final law is the law of Reciprocity which translates into there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action. Now that we know the laws of motion the paper will explain how the laws of motion play into the height a ball bounces on different surfaces. In the first law of motion. Isaac Newton one said “An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion at the same speed and in the same direction, unless it is acted upon by a force.” Have you ever wondered why a ball rolls farther on solid surfaces rather than on soft padded surfaces such as grass and carpet?

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