
The Laws Of Aliens

Decent Essays

The term person is a lot broader than it first appears. We generally use it when we refer to a human being, however, there is possibility that there are other creatures on other planets that share our level of cognitivity. If there were aliens that can speak, make moral based judgements and are self-aware. Then would these aliens be defined as people? If this was based on the fact that you wouldn’t buy and sell these creatures like we do with cats, dogs and other pets. These aliens have their own self interest. Therefore, one of the key factors that must be considered is what distinguishes a person from a pet. A person is the kind of being that has its own moral compass that is used to make life-choices. While there are many constraints of …show more content…

The first two laws in this set are: A robot may not injure or let a human come to harm and secondly, a robot must obey all orders from a human, except if it conflict the first law. The laws of robotics have been followed so far, but if machines were to create their own race, these laws could not exist as they stop any machine from responding to their own self-interest as I mentioned earlier. With these laws, machine could never truly be a ‘person’. As we see in the movie, the agents have no probably acting on their own self-interest, as we see when Agent Smith talks about how much he hates being the matrix and wants to escape. We also see the agents, which are artificial intelligence, harm Neo and other humans many times. This presents an ethical issue; why should we create AI if there is a chance that we may be putting ourselves in danger? I think that it should be allowed, but with the three laws of robotics in place. However, would this truly be artificial intelligence, and therefore would it be classified as a race? Although, if it gets to the stage where machines could form a race, I don’t think we will have the choice to allow it, as they will be acting under their own

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