
The Last One Identity

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To start, The Last One queries the trueness of a narrator within a novel. Even the truthiness of one's mind can be called into question because humans can misremember or misperceive, which is prevalent in Zoo’s viewpoint throughout the novel. For The Last One, the keynote is that there are numerous fears and tribulations, but there can be hope. This can be seen from the intricacy of major plot points and how the leading character, Zoo, assumes her husband to be dead because of her fear of losing him. The novel echoes the fears and values of identity in America through a survival show and apocalypse. The apocalypse, although fictional in most scenarios, tends to expose people’s genuine identities due to the horrificness and the “survival of …show more content…

There’s uncertainty about becoming a mother, from the hardships and difficulties of raising a child in America, to whether or not having a child is the right thing to do with everything going on in the world. There can also be a lot of negativity towards people who don’t want to have kids and the overstepping of boundaries towards women who are mothers. There’s also the hefty weight of responsibilities for a lot of women as a mother. The identity of an individual can be ignored because of motherhood or some perception of women. A fear women can have in America of motherhood is that they will lose their identity to motherhood. The fears of motherhood are plentiful, and the fear of losing one’s identity is plenty. In addition, identity can be ignored or removed from an individual if it is perceived as “unimportant”. Alexandra Oliva commentates on this with how the twelve contestants within the novel have parts of their identity removed or twisted for the survival show. There is a societal fear of not being able to show one’s true identity for being judged or ignored for …show more content…

People don’t want to lose their identities yet others can readily make judgments and make their identities feel inconsequential, with widespread society being within the internet. The smallest amount of negative opinions about a person’s identity can have wide-reaching impacts. Identity can feel meaningless and forgotten amongst the masses. Moreover, apocalypticism is easy to find in media, TV shows, movies, music, etc., which reflects the fear of survival in America. With the prevalent fears or trust and identity, it feels like everyone is for themselves or the “survival of the fittest”. The “survival of the fittest” can even be seen through employment and job opportunities in America. There’s so much uncertainty to be found within the country, becoming a fear of surviving it. Individuals will do whatever they can to keep or get a job if it’s something they desperately need. Survival consists of multitudes of fears and makes individuals have to face these fears, which Zoo ends up doing, and thus overcoming them. For example, Zoo overcomes her fears of motherhood with Brennan and identity by finding where she lies in the newly apocalyptic

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