
The Land: Understanding Why the Land Is Important to the Cherokee Nation

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The Land:
Understanding Why the Land is Important to the Cherokee Nation

Abstract Most of us have learnt about the Trail of Tears as an event in American history, but not many of us have ever explored why the removal of the Indians to the West was more than an issue of mere land ownership. Here, the meaning and importance of land to the original Cherokee Nation of the Southeastern United States is investigated. American land was seen as a way for white settlers to profit, but the Cherokee held the land within their hearts. Their removal meant much more to them than just the loss of a material world. Historical events, documentations by the Cherokee, and maps showing the loss of Cherokee land work together to give a true Cherokee …show more content…

According to James Mooney, the author of Myths of the Cherokee, the Cherokee people believed, (and one can assume that some of them still possess this belief) that the earth was a great island that was just floating in a sea of water, and the earth was suspended at each of its four cardinal points by a cord that hung down from the “sky vault”, which the Cherokee perceived as a solid rock. They also believed that when the earth grows old and is dilapidated, everyone will die, the cords will break, and the world will return underneath the ocean. They were very afraid of this. During the time that the Cherokee believed that all the earth was covered with the ocean, the animals were above in a place they referred to as “beyond the arch”. In accordance to this creation myth, it was becoming way to crowded for the animals, so they started wondering what was under the water. “Beaver’s grandchild”, the water-beetle, dove to the bottom of the water and came back up with some soft mud, which began to grow and continued to expand until it became the island that we consider to be earth. Afterwards, it was fastened to the sky by four points, but the Cherokee cannot recall who done this. The earth was very flat and was still extremely soft, but the animals were ready to come down, so they sent birds to see if the earth was dry

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