
The Land Of Open Graves Summary

Decent Essays

The Land of Open Graves was a dynamic piece that followed stories of the Mexican-American Border land through a series of anthology-like stories. What made chapters 1 -5 so impactful were the ways in which the stories were conveyed. The author began with a tale of people scouring the desert for undocumented, human remains. Then there was a fictitious journal that mimicked the reality of four migrant workers. Other entries included an explanation of death in the desert, the following of humor in migrant workers and life in the deported role. Although all of these different stories seem divergent, they have central theme that the author draws on throughout the first 100 pages – the unparalleled hostility and negligence perpetrated by the government. The author is adamant about the idea of “Prevention Through Deterrence” and the harsh reality about the border and the way the United States treat those who cross the border. I would like to explain my reaction to each of the chapters below.
1. A particularly sad scene in this chapter included the finding of a sun-bleached human bone on a rock in the middle of the desert – with no other items insight. The evil of the US is reflected in a symbolic evil of the desert. The desert will wipe away …show more content…

The last chapter read, Deported, was a great entrance into the eyes of the Border Patrol and their abilities. I found humor with the idea of playing cat and mouse with the BP agents – as the migrants would come in and out on a regular basis. The description of the court hearings is also rather perplexing – as we see something that almost isn’t in the spirit of the US. We see immigrants, some with little knowledge of English or Spanish, g in a court, then are coaxed into a plea deal, and then forced to spend time in jail or leave the United States. This final chapter is the literal reality of the US Border Patrol and its hostile Dynamics. The journey for so many ended in the courtroom, all at the hands of nationalistic

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