
The Lamb and the Tyger Essay

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"The Tyger" and "The Lamb" by William Blake, written in 1794 included both of these poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Song of Experience, takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. These two poems are meant to be interpreted in a comparison and contrast. They share two different perspectives, those being innocence and experience. To Blake, innocence is not better than experience. Both states have their good and bad sides. "The Tyger" is basically the negative reciprocal of "The Lamb" because it challenges God. The main question that Blake is asking in the two poems is that how can the same God make such a vicious animal and also make such …show more content…

The child questions the lamb as to where he came from and asks, “Little Lamb, who made thee?/ Dost though know who made thee?/” (Blake 1-2) Throughout the poem the speaker continues to argue the lamb about its nature, as if to repress the lamb’s self worth. When the child receive no answers, he decides that he will tell the lamb where he came from. He says, “Little Lamb, I’ll tell thee!” (12). Jesus was a child once and the speaker relates saying, “I a child &ump; thou a lamb/ We are called by his name.” ( 17-18), meaning we are all Lambs of God. The child then ends the poem by sending God’s blessings to the lamb. Blake is speaking of what he sees are the positive aspects of the common beliefs of Christianity. However, it is not an accurate picture of the world because there it does not speak about the presence of evil in our world, which is followed by his poem "The Tyger".
Blake’s "The Tyger" is the contrast poem to "The Lamb". "The Tyger" is the experience the loss of innocence that "The Lamb" seems to personify. The poem explores the perfectly beautiful and destructive tyger. According to Thomas Curley,“The Tyger” included a small painted representation of a four-footed “symmetrical” animal, The visual and printed symbol of the tiger has an immense complexity of meaning. The tiger signifies more than evil; it also suggests a mysterious, passionate, and violent beauty at odds with the pat, peaceful innocence of its contrar "(Curley 1-2).

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