
The Lachman Test

Decent Essays

The Lachman Test is an important diagnostic test for detection of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) pathology (van Eck, 2013) and is frequently used by sports therapists. Joint arthrometry, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and diagnostic arthroscopy are all well-established methods to evaluate the knee for the presence of an ACL tear. However, the clinical gold standard, with well-established levels of accuracy for detecting this injury, is the Lachman test, which is performed with the patient in a supine position and the knee at 20° to 30° of flexion (Benjaminse, 2006; Ostrowski, 2006). The grading of the Lachman test is based on the amount of anterior translatory movement (translation) of the tibia relative to the femur and on the end-feel perceived by the examiner. A positive test requires a soft end-feel and observable translation of the tibia (Torg, 1976). …show more content…

The patient's knee joint position during the Lachman's test might affect the grade given. Because examiners do not agree on the position of the knee joint during the Lachman's test, reliability might be affected if they do not place the knee in the same position each time they administer the test (Donaldson 1985 ). Similarly, grading might be affected as experience of therapists differs from each other. Hence, judgments based on the Lachman's test are inconsistent when made by inexperienced testers, but such judgments become more "reliable" as testers become more experienced (Dehaven, 1980; Noyes,

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