In any corporation there is a constant flow of information. This flow of information may happen in any of the following forms: upwards, downwards, vertically, horizontally, outward, and inward. The flow of information that an organizations tends to choose or adopt is dependent on the organizations structure and mode of operation. The Kuali foundation is a non profit type of organization that has a mission of enbaling the generation of administrative software aimed at fufilling the needs of colleges and other educational institutions.The Kuali Foundation has maintained good relations with other organizations such as the University of Cambridge and Indiana providing a strong foundation for a solid partnership. To start with, what is information flow? Information flow is the transmission of data from one place to another via a device or a person. Language or compliler based mechanisms control the flow of information. Certainty needs to exist within the exchange of data in order for information flow to take place. The data exchanged doesn't always have to be certain, but there needs to be a level of certainty in order for the data to be accepted and reviewed. As mentioned before, the flow of information for any corporation can take on various forms in order to serve the needs of the corporation. Horizontal information flow is the correspondence that takes place between people of the same level in terms of position in the organization. It can be thought of as peer to peer
Laudon, K. L. a. J. Management Information Systems, 12/e for DeVry University (12th ed). Pearson Learning Solutions. Retrieved from
Vertical internal communications is a hierarchical structure that occurs within a formal organization and communication takes place from the top of the organization down to each level until
As a part of “$1 billion revenues by 2014”, the success of this initiative progrom great depended on the knowledge management function. KM would help in the ideation process and would provide critical IT systems support through Neuron. According to the process of the “5*50” initiative program, the KM function would alter its roles and responsibilities in following fields:
Horizontal differentiation happens when tasks are delegated throughout the company to various employees and then departments leaders meet and try to come up with the best possible decisions (Hanks), similarly as to how Jerry Buss had to the organizational structure.
Horizontal integration is the addendum, of other business activities at same standard of the value chain. This is when the production corporation the property of the means of output, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company, because of this they receive all of the profit. For example: the standard Oil company buying 50 refineries, another example: a radio station also owns a newspaper and magazine.
Organizational communication is a sustainable system of people working together to achieve a common goal, through division levels of stratification according to rank and duty (Everet M. Rogers). Communication is the means whereby organizations coordinate management of material resources and human resources through formal structural pattern of the duties and authority (Robert Bonnington).Communication organizations are sending and receiving various messages in the cluster formal organization or informally from an organization (Wiryanto, 2005). In organization, the communication has provided four distinct directions, downward, upward, horizontal and diagonal. But, I was doing the research about downward communication and upward
Babson College was working off a basic servicer for its information technology needs. As years progressed, it was obvious the server currently used would not be adequate for what direction the college wanted to head to in the future. By upgrading the current server, departmental business functions could be updated, software programs such the Office products implemented, course offerings could be made available by different delivery methods, and employee and student access could increase making it available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Agreement between 2 or more enterprises that are at the same stage of production chain and in the same market. Horizontal agreements are made to develop a healthy relationship between competitors where agreements are for sharing risk, making cost saving, pooling know how launching innovations faster.
It is also the means by which behaviour is controlled, change is achieved, information is made productive and goals are attained. Whether it is with a business enterprise, a family, educational institution or trade exhibition, the dissemination of information from individual to another is absolutely crucial.
The key difference between knowledge and information is that knowledge gives us the power to take action. The college business works through consistent performance and profitable growth, just like any organisation for which strategic and tactical information play a crucial role. Both of these are very distinct yet inseparable.
Communication is the conveyance and flow of ideas from one person to another. The exchange of information takes place through letters, words, symbols and nonverbal behaviors. It involves the transmission of ideas from the sender to the receiver. Communication is effective only if the receiver fully understands the transmitted information. Many problems and failures occur in organizations due to poor communication. Objective and goals fail due to misunderstandings in the organization. Effective communication provides a chain of understanding to all participants in the organizational framework. It promotes the flow of information both vertically and horizontally.
This program will enhance my communication and teamwork skills through projects, allow me to learn about risk management in technology, and learn how to integrate information systems and technology to analyze and solve business issues. From undergoing the curriculum, I will be able to help businesses solve their issues with technology and integrate their business and information systems. Kelley’s MSIS program will also prepare me for leadership positions throughout my career. By allowing me to learn about organizational problems that involve information systems and real-world applications, I will have the background to succeed in managerial roles. Dance and my academic experiences shaped my soft and technical skills to flourish in Kelley’s MSIS program, which will help me prosper in a career in information systems and accelerate my growth in the business
Knowledge Management, as a control, must bring about better attaining, or actually surpassing, your destinations. The motivation behind information administration should not be to simply ended up more educated, however to have the capacity to make, exchange and apply learning with the reason for better accomplishing targets.
Information and communication. Information is necessary to convey internal control responsibilities to support the entity in achieving financial reporting objectives while communication is the continual interactive process that provides, shares and obtains the necessary information. Through internal communication, information is distributed across the organization (Rubino & Vitolla, 2014). Gelinas et al. (2015) state that for business process communication takes the form of process narratives, systems flowcharts, and written policies, to mention just but a few.
Horizontal Communication takes place between two or more people who are subordinates working in the same department. It is one of the most frequently used channels of communication between people of the same level. The message flows not only up and down but also sideways where the views of each other are made known and decisions are arrived at quickly. There is no superior or subordinate relationship.