
The Know-Nothing Party: The American Party

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The Know-Nothing Party, also known as the American Party, was a secret party that was very well known and came from middle class and working class backgrounds. I was a political group from the United States between the years of 1840’s to the early 1850’s. This group was an anti-immigration group that also opposed followers of the Catholic church. Some of the members believed that the Catholics had intentions of taking over the United States. The intent of the group was to keep Catholics and immigrants from holding any political offices. They were also against them holding jobs, being business owners felt that you needed to be true Americans. In 1854, the group officially became the Know-Nothing Party and became very popular in the North because …show more content…

Many disliked the Catholic Church because of the opposing taxation to finance public schools. They felt it was unfair to have to finance schools where their children did not attend.

Later, 1856, the American Party ran Milliard Fillmore as a candidate for president, he came in last 900,000 votes out of four million votes.

Meanwhile, many Americans and Ohioans still opposed the Catholic faith, slavery was a bigger issue to them. They refused to take a stand on slavery, as a result, the Know-Nothing Party was declined by the presidential election of 1860. No candidate was entered into the election and most of their followers had joined the Republican Party.

One example of Nativism from the past is Bloody Monday.

Bloody Monday was August 6, 1855, in Louisville, KY on an election day when Protestant mobs attacked German and Irish Catholic neighborhoods. Many were hurt, 22 were killed, buildings and properties were destroyed. The riots grew from a rivalry between the Democrats and the Nativist Know-Nothing Party. It was a time of great change, uncertainty, fear, violence, slavery, and prejudice.


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