
The Knight's Tale And Lust Essay

Decent Essays

Lust is defined as the desire or attraction to something, often in the form of sex. Chivalry and courtly love puts the woman at a higher position than the man, basing the relationship on loyalty rather than sex. On the spectrum of love, these two types are polar opposite ways in treating a woman. In medieval times, lust often fails, as chivalric love is rarer and heavily desired from a woman’s perspective. Rapper Kendrick Lamar exclaims, “we lust on the same routine of shame...lust turn[s] into fear,” and in Chaucer’s “The Miller’s Prologue and Tale,” the lust of common characters bring only shame on themselves, but in “the Knight’s Tale,” the relationship held on chivalric love create a perfect balance.
Chaucer uses chivalric love in the …show more content…

John’s marriage with Alison leads to a detrimental connection that allows her to seduce other men. She is overly flirtatious due to her husband’s jealousy. She even exclaims that he figuratively, “kept her as if in a cage...he had fears Of being a cuckold” (Chaucer, Miller’s Tale). Nick lusts after Alison rather than treating her with decency. He seduces her into sleeping with him by telling John that a great flood is upon them, and that they must tie bathtubs onto the ceiling. His lustful demeanor leads to him talking a branded iron to the butt. Absalom also has a great lust for Alison, similar to Nick’s lust. They met in a church as he sang songs to her in order to impress her, and she received lots of gifts from him. She rejected his offer to go out with him, but that did not stop him from seeking her in a sexual way. His lust later in the tale brings his downfall, that spurs on humiliation and pain.
From Geoffrey Chaucer’s two tales, chivalric love defeats lust in making people fulfill their purpose in a desired relationship. A Knight is known to be humble and courteous at all times, while the lack of education of Nick and Absalom create a lustful outlook towards their shared goal. The Knight also devotes his time to one woman, while Nick and Absalom try to get with any charming woman when they have the chance. Nicholas, even after slapping Alison’s butt, goes on later playing the harp “faste and maketh melodye”, showing how his

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