
The Kite Runner Theme Essay

Decent Essays

“Love is much like a wild rose: beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense”. Love and friendship can both make and break us. While their purity and wholesome memories epitomize the human condition of intimacy, this weight of responsibility can crush us when faced with crisis and hinder us when we need to succeed most. This question of risk and reward is raised in various works as characters struggle to balance loyalty with logic. Authors and filmmakers demonstrate that amity can be the key to compassion but also cripples us from acting with reason. Love and friendships can bring amazing memories and compassion But at the same time can be a burden. In The Kite Runner when Amir is getting beaten up for trying to get Sohrab …show more content…

Another rib snapped, this time lower. What was so funny was that, for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt at peace”(Hosseini, Ch. 22; 289) Well it seems like a bad thing to happen to Amir, it really wasn't. Amir has had a grief, and up until that point in his life what he did to Hassan or rather what he did not do to help Hassan has been weighing on him ever since. When he was getting the living crap beaten out of him to save Hassan's only child he had an Epiphany and realized that this burden had been lifted off his shoulders. In The Girl Who Fell From The Sky Rachel has a last second risk- reward decision considering her love for family. “ She will protect from these things too. We are closer still. We fall. Robbie, Mor, Ariel. Then me. As a family, we fall” (Heidi, 260). When you're a kid you get told when you get in trouble you got told “ If they told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?” What Heidi is doing her is showing that love can be so convincing that it can get you to do outrageous things. Rachel’s love for her family leads her to jump off a building, which seems very dumb, but If you put know self in Rachels shoes you would see why she fell off with them. That’s all the Rachel has and all she ever did have and if the people

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