
The Kite Runner: Quotes Analysis

Decent Essays

I have incorporated important phrases and visuals onto the chair that fit the theme of the book. Starting from the top of the chair I have the quote, “There is a way to be good again.”(pg.2) On the back of that piece I have another quote saying “Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay. The lamb I had to slay in order to win over Baba.”(pg.82) I put these quotes because they tie each other together well. Amir chose Baba's love over his friendship with Hassan which eventually lead him to be placed into the situation where he chooses to redeem himself. Below this, I have the word redemption because it is the theme of the novel. I painted the quote, “For you, a thousand times over.”(pg.391) on the strip of wood because when Amir said this quote

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