
The Kite Runner Forgiveness Quotes Analysis

Good Essays

Redemption is the act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed. This essay will follow a young man who goes through a journey of redemption to atone for past mistakes. The novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini follows the life of a young boy, Amir, who grows into a man and, like everyone else, makes mistakes along the way. In the novel, Amir tries to atone for past mistakes by seeking redemption. This essay will discuss how the author uses the themes of guilt, betrayal, and forgiveness to showcase Amir's journey to redemption. By using these themes one can find redemption and be at peace and happy. Firstly, the author uses the theme of guilt through Amir multiple times throughout the novel to find redemption. …show more content…

This first betrayal leads to Amir betraying Hassan again when, instead of trying to atone for not standing up for Hassan, he decides to let their relationship grow apart. This betrayal ultimately leads to Amir finding redemption. Lastly, Hosseini uses the theme of forgiveness through Amir so that he can find redemption. Early in the novel, after the kite tournament ends, Hassan tells Amir, "For you a thousand times over." ( Ch. 7) This shows that Hassan was willing to do anything for Amir a thousand times over because he worshipped him and thought of him as a brother. This quote is said again, but by Amir Sohrab in chapter 25, in the kite fighting tournament. Amir and Sohrab are in the kite fighting tournament, and there is a moment where Sohrab smiles and Amir sees it, but then he quickly stops smiling. Then Amir asks him if he wants him to run the kite for him, and he nods. While running, he tells Sohrab, "For you, a thousand times over." ( Ch. 25) This is crucial in the novel because Amir is only able to get to this point by forgiving himself and not letting the guilt of his betrayal consume

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