
The Kite Runner Chapter Summaries

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Chapter 13 Summary: Hassan goes out with Lindsey and her friends, while Colin stays home and works on his theorem. Colin has gotten it to work for every Katherine except the third Katherine, and the nineteenth Katherine. Hassan comes back home, and tells Colin that he kissed Katrina. Colin doesn’t understand why Hassan would go and do that when he's only supposed to kiss a girl he's going to marry. Hassan gets upset when he says this and then they begin to have an argument. The next day after they finish their interviews, Hassan tells Colin that he is upset that he did not support him on the kiss, after he has supported him with all the Katherine’s. They slowly begin to kiss and make up. When they all get back to the house, Hollis is upset that they are back before five thirty. Lindsey confronts her mom about selling the land, but she doesn’t really reply to her. In the meantime Colin works on the theorem, and he finally gets it to work for Katherine nineteen. So now it just leaves the third Katherine to fit in. When Lindsey, Hassan, and Colin go out they go to Taco Hell, and then out to the field to practice shooting. Lindsey teaches Colin how to shoot the gun so he does not look weak. Analysis: …show more content…

Then it was sad because Hassan and Colin got into a fight with each other. Then the tone was curious because Lindsey had confronted her mom about selling the land. Then the tone was exciting again when Colin got the theorem to work for the nineteenth

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