
The Kite Runner Analysis

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In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the reader experiences two different methods of tradition. Baba shows the readers a new way of tradition while General Taheri expresses old tradition. Baba and General Taheri see life through a different lens than one another. They convey their beliefs of tradition through how they lead as prominent social figures, carry out their lives, and through their unique relationships with their children. Baba and General Taheri both hold noble ranks in the the Kabul society. Baba is a very prominent public figure who funded pharmacies, built orphanages, and, as rumor has it, wrestled a bear. He has earned a respected and honored title as a public leader. He even lives in the “most beautiful house in the Wazir Akbar Khan district” (Khaled 4). Likewise, General Taheri is a very respected figure in the the society being a decorated general who has worked with the Ministry of Defense. Taheri is strong headed and opinionated believing he ranks above all others. It is hard to take Taheri seriously since he can be a dishonest man who amir has trouble trusting. Amir can not even tell if his compliments are real or as “used and unnaturally shiny” like his suit (140). This proves that a major dividing line between Baba and General Taheri is how they view others outside their social class. Baba is aware he ranks high on the social ladder but does not degrade or look down on the people below him. This is shown through Baba’s love for Hassan and his

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