
The King James White

Better Essays

James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a professor and has authored or contributed to more than twenty-four books. He is also an accomplished debater. He is an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, has been married to his wife Kelli for more than thirty-two years, and has two children and two grandchildren. White’s work is a very profound book that talks about the controversy in some churches about the best translation to use: modern translations or the King James translation. He fought against the idea of some that the King James Version is the only true Bible. He did an excellent job defending his own views while pointing out the errors of these groups.
Summary of the Book

The first chapter puts the King James Version-Only groups on a spectrum. The least troublesome just prefer the sound of the language of the KJV to other translations. Next are the groups who think that the Greek and Hebrew used by the translators of the KJV is better than that of the other translations; even more …show more content…

In most of the charts he presented, White put the KJV up next to either the NIV or the NASB (186, 266). It is understandable that everyone favors certain translations over others, his preference for these two translations is quiet obvious throughout the book. However, for the purpose of this book, this preference made him fail to provide a more neutral understanding of the principles he wrote about. Actually, his favoritism towards these translations went against his own words, “But we must be careful to avoid making the basic error of setting up one translation as the standard over all others” (169). The author would have better demonstrated this principle by using more than just two translations in a comparison against the KJV

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