
The Key Of Effective Leadership

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The Key to Effective Leadership Insights Gained I have ascertained that utilizing mental models, I can understand why and how different people on the same team process similar occurrences in a different manner. A mental model is "a set of ideas and assumptions that you carry in your head" (Bolman, & Deal, 2013, p. 10). These mental models that we rely on as an interpretation, influence our understanding of world and organizational events, because they reflect our current mind-sets. For example, a mental model that is prevalent in the army, is that your appearance reflects your potential. This may cause others to judge soldiers initially, by their appearance. If they are overweight, or their appearance looks disheveled, they are often initially seen as being undisciplined. Changing our mental models can directly change our understanding of events, because we can perceive things differently, and also then identify other root causes, or resolutions. In my example, if one realizes that a newly assigned soldier may not be completely situated in a home and community as yet, that perhaps they do not have access to the resources that they may need, to present the best appearance, such as a good barber. A leader could recognize this as a need to provide more community familiarization, or access to resources. By exploring mental, models Senge (2006) recognizes that one can create a reflection in the work environment and, by doing so, encourage a more open discussion, and expose the

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