
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair

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When Upton Sinclair spoke about his book, The Jungle, he said "I aimed at the public 's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach." (v). Never a truer word was spoken. The Jungle is the story of an immigrant family who arrived in Chicago looking for a better life only to suffer harsh living conditions as well as dangerous working conditions in the meat packing factory, where they were employed. The Jungle also brought attention to the unsanitary practices under which the meat was processed for human consumption. Finally, The Jungle offered socialism as the cure to the suffering of the workers who were employed in the factories. Sinclair, a socialist, credited many of the terrible conditions under which the immigrants lived and …show more content…

Jurgis, Ona and the other family members never saw any of the deplorable conditions as harbingers of things to come. Despite many setbacks, Jurgis and the family were filled with unwavering optimism and felt that once they got settled with jobs and a home, everything would be okay. Due to his size, Jurgis was fortunate enough to find a job almost immediately on the killing floor at the meat packing plant. Marija was hired to paint cans after the woman who had the job for many years called in sick and was immediately fired. Due to his age, Antanas initially encountered difficulty during his job search, but eventually found a job at the factory in the pickling room after he promised a third of his pay to the person who found him the job. Things started looking up for the family and they pooled their money and bought a new house. Unfortunately, the family discovered that additional conditions added to the contract made the house payment significantly higher than they originally thought. In order to make up the difference, Ona and Teta Elzbieta’s oldest son, Stanislovas, also found employment. After struggling and saving, things again started to look up for the family and Jurgis and Ona were able to finally marry. As was the tradition of the time, the family hosted a wedding banquet and everyone in the neighborhood was invited. It was the custom that the guests at the banquet contribute money to the

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