
The Issues Of Human Resource Personnel Essay

Decent Essays

It may seem obvious that businesses, no matter the size, do not operate in a vacuum. This can mean that when it comes to suppliers, customers, employees, or even general perception of the company to the public a business is subject to laws that dictate what it can and cannot do in the course of doing business. Although many people are aware that some laws exist in regards to Civil Rights, Age Discrimination, and Equal Pay they may not know the specifics of the law or the consequences of non-compliance. Just like a company needs experts like accountants to manage the money or Quality Assurance departments to ensure a product is produced; this lack of specific knowledge is why it is important for companies to have Human Resource personnel. Human Resources is comprised of experts that can design policies, practices, and even help shape the corporate culture to promise compliance with employment law.
Similar to laws that individuals must comply with, businesses can face varying degrees of consequences for their failure to comply with applicable laws. Many separate laws have been passed that effectively make it illegal for an employer to discriminate based on, amongst other things, race, age, and sex.
The Civil Rights Act of 1991
Culminating in the late 1980s a series of Supreme Court decisions had led to an eroding of effectiveness to past Civil Rights Acts that had been previously passed. Two landmark cases in 1989, Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins and Wards Cove

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