
The Issue Of The Fourteenth Amendment

Decent Essays

The Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868 and the amendment was put in place to protect former slaves and their rights in life. The most important part of the amendment reads, “No state shall ‘deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person… the equal protection of the laws.’” This simple statement has one of the most profound and incredible parts of the United States today. The equal protection of the laws show that there must be equal treatment for all citizens regardless of race, class, or gender. Although there has been many racial events happening after this amendment was passed this clause still stands to today and has helped shape the United States for the better. Having this clause in the Fourteenth Amendment protects the ‘little guy’ and makes sure that everyone has the same ability to do whatever everyone else is doing. The book states that “The battle for civil rights generally includes seven stages. The group seeking rights must define itself; it must challenge society and change the cultural story. The contest for the rights spills across federalism; the executive branch can break the ice. Congress is the key to deep social change; the courts are the final arbiters of civil rights.” These seven stages are: 1) A group defines itself 2) The group challenges society 3) The stories change 4) Federalism comes into play 5) The executive branch often breaks the ice 6) Congress legislature a blockbuster 7) It all

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