
The Issue Of Rebalancing And Urbanization The Ecosystem Within Sparksville

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This presentation will center on the issue of rebalancing and urbanization the ecosystem within Sparksville. We will explore the significances of urbanization and the lack of land management planning that offered the problematic seen in Sparkville with the prairie dog. We will also talk about the steps that Sparksville took to reestablish the harmony and ecosystem among the populations and the ecosystem. We will also take a look at how the improved balance invited tourism as well amplified industrialization.
3. Urbanization and the Environment
Urbanization takes about a new set of difficulties to the environment. These difficulties contain land pollution and air pollution. As new roads and builds are built the capability of soil to engross water is reduced. However, these are not the only issues. As the population growths it begins to invade on the land that is occupied by native species. As a result, bigger predators several be scared off by the growing population throwing off the balance of natural selection. This is the case with Sparksville and the prairie dog population.
The Prairie dog is a relative of the squirrel and lives in underground tunnels (National Geographic). Urbanization of Sparksville began to increase, building began within the buffer zone of the prairie dog preservation. Population growth and urbanization scared off natural predators of the prairie dog. This threw off the balance of the ecosystem and natural selection. With no

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