
The Is It On How Much You Express Yourself?

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How does one define greatness, is it on how much you express yourself? No! Says the billionaire, greatness, is determined by the amount of wealth you acquire in your life. No! Says the priest, it’s defined by how much you commit your life to god. No! Says your country, greatness is how much you give to your country. Becoming great is a thing that most desire, yet most don’t know what being great really means. We are born in the mentality that some people are great such as the president or comic book heroes such as Batman, but for what reason? Is it because they’re rich or powerful or is it because of the good that they try to do? What about the poor souls in Iraq that had to kill against their will to survive the war? Can they be …show more content…

In his article “What is Greatness” he states that the key factors in becoming great is by understanding and love his fellow man. In his article, he told his readers that “a truly great person loves his fellows because he understands them” (Hubbard 1). When he says this, he’s not talking about forgiving everyone that has wronged him, but to be able to comprehend them. He believes that when the only thing a person knows how to do is hate, than he’s truly doomed. Wisdom is the key to greatness without out it we would just be beasts roaming in the wild. As human beings, we cannot change and start hating on our fellow man just because they have lost themselves. We need to preserve and maintain a clear head when it comes to any situation. You cannot live a life that involves hating on anyone in the world. This just hurts everyone who’s involved, even yourself. L. Ron. Hubbard believes that the only true way to become great, is to learn how to love. Donald Trump is a remarkable man that controversy always seems to follow him around no matter what he does. If anyone else did or said anything the things he has done, their political career would have ended, yet Donald Trump is still going strong. The reason why his political career is so strong is because he says what he wants to say. He doesn’t care what anyone else thinks which causes him to get the support of the American people. Many would consider him a racist and a bigot, but at the

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