Some have argued that the positive movement is “an old wine in new bottles” because of the risk of stigmatizing employees who are struggling with negative emotions (Fineman, 2006), and that interventions fundamentally focused on individual issues rather than organizational issues (Hackman, 2009). On the other hand, Avey, Luthans, & Youssef, (2010) assert that POB is not an old wine in new bottles as claimed, but rather a new shift of perspective in a changing environment. The POB has emerged as an extension of positive psychology research to the workplace (Youssef-Morgan, 2014). Whereas, Van de Ven & Sun (2011) argue that change is an ongoing process that will never stop for an organization. PsyCap has expanded more because it offers different approaches for enhancing workplace positivity with high returns on investment, and employers find it appealing because it combines the “feel good” motivation impact in a typical training with the bottom line (Youssef-Morgan, 2014).
On the personal level, I believe that negativity is toxic and unproductive. Therefore, one should realize when slipping into negativity and look for other alternative solutions for the problem that caused this situation, and most importantly to try be calm and focused rather than allowing negative emotion to take over. Cameron (2008) indicated that negativity can lead to positive change, and that negative feedback makes people pay more attention than positive feedback, and negative events have more impact
Sometimes there is positive within the negative, yet other times the negativity outweighs the
Joyce Meyer once said, “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you”. Throughout times people have proven that positive thinking will help resolve a conflict. It is good to remain positive to eventually receive a good outcome. When a conflict arises the best way to deal with it is to keep a positive attitude. Many argue that a fight will quickly end a problem but problem but a good example that that is false is the story of Black Ships before Troy.In black ships before Troy they use war to solve their problems.people think that it won't really matter what attitude is presented in a problem. Many would argue that the one side of the argument doesn't care about the attitude about the other person/side..
I’ve gotten negative comments my entire life, and while I don’t hear them very often, I do think about them when I’m in a weakened state and feeling nervous about my surroundings. I’ve had plenty of time to put things into perspective - I’ve come to that attitude about those comments. My attitude is: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before, so what? There’s so much more that I have to offer this world. That just makes my good attitude, an even better example for my kids, my family, friends and the rest of the
It is very important to stay positive for many different reasons, one of these reasons being that, it could help reassure the other person by giving them hope. For example in, 7 Tips for Resolving Conflicts Quickly and Peacefully, they say, “You could say, ‘You’re absolutely right, it is my fault and here is what I’ll do to fix it.’ Even if you’re NOT wrong, at least give them the benefit of the doubt” (Hopson). This would make the other person feel better and make them think that the argument may come to a close soon. In Deer Mrs. Breed the author says,“In spite of all the difficulties, Louise's positive and patriotic spirit rings true in these final words of her letter: ‘If American soldiers can endure hardships so can we!’ “(Baroletti 413) showing how positive and happy they are despite their situations. The short story also says, “One of the most beautiful scenery was when crossing a bridge which was right above the Colorado River. It is indeed, a beautiful river.” (Baroletti 412), even though they were being drove to an internment camp in the middle of the desert, they still found the beauty in things around them. Staying positive is a key factor in solving
I strongly feel that the actions I display will affect people and events for an infinite amount of time after they have been produced. This chain of events is the same for positivity and negativity, which is why I have always felt that it is so important to try to be a positive and optimistic person no matter the situation at hand. Of course it is hard trying to be a little beam of sunshine and rainbows all the time, and I will be the first to admit that I am not. When times get tough and I find myself complaining, yelling, or filling my head with bad energy, I stop and think about the reaction my activity will bring about for myself and others. I ask myself, “How will my negativity affect other people, and what will they do because of the bad stream I have sent their way?”
In the reading assignment, Cultivate Positive Identities, Laura Roberts talks about ways individuals, and managers can use positive thinking, to enrich their lives, and those around them. She states that, “most individuals seek to hold positive self-views, desiring to be viewed positively by others” (How to Be a Positive Leader, 2014). Together, with positive thinking methods, the author of the chapter believes that positive identities are achievable and lead to a more fulfilling life. This chapter was somewhat overwhelming to read, as it mentioned many methods and strategies involved in “cultivating positive identities”.
“Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down” article by Matthew Hutson explains that negative emotions often have a pessimistic stigma. Normally when one addresses fear, anger, guilt, and regret, a positive outlook is not the first thing that comes to mind. Because these emotions are mostly negative, people try to not act on them or conceal them when trouble arises; however, acting on these emotions can bring a positive feeling. Hutson sheds light on why anger, shame, envy, fear, and grief should not be looked at as “negative” emotions all the time, rather they should just be looked at as emotions.
Transitions are changes that take part of our lives and are out of our control. Transitions are essential part of every person’s life but can be harder to adjust in early years. Although in early years’ transitions are supported by family, friends and practitioners/carers. Children’s early experiences of transitions can have a big effect on how they handle transitions in adult life.
I believe that in life you have to have a positive mindset on the things you do. Having a positive mindset will influence the things that you do. If you are constantly being negative then negative things will happen to you, but if you are positive, positive things will happen to you.
Ireland began to have civil rights activists that they had been protesting against discrimination against Catholics and the Irish nationalists by the government of Northern Ireland. As for the civil rights movement called for people to vote to see whether the end of discrimination would come to an end. There also where an overwhelmingly protestant police force who were always known for being hard on the Catholics. However Irish people continued to emigrate during the 1950’s and 1960’s. As the 1970’s came around Irish economy grew by 4%. (“Global World Warrior”).
In Professor Seligman’s TED Talk he presents to us the state of psychology today. Just what is the state of psychology today? According to Seligman it is good, not good, and not good enough. In the “good” update for psychology today, it is beneficial that psychology is progressing forward. Once what was an extreme science of finding out what is wrong with someone has progressed forward into also finding out how to improve one’s life quality. Seligman states that just sixty years ago no disorder was treatable. However in today’s world of modern psychology not only are fourteen disorders treatable, but two are even curable. In the terms of not good, in Seligman’s opinion, there has been too much of an extreme focus on mental illness. Seligman believes that psychology has gone a pessimistic route and in turn forgotten about improving “normal” lives to make people less miserable. He believes that there should not only be interventions in terms of treating mental illness, but also interventions to make people happier. Seligman lists a few different ways that positive psychology could improve itself to go this route. The main idea is that psychologists should be concerned with both strength and weakness of people, therefore building strengths and repairing weakness. From further research in modern positive psychology has sought to answer just what are happy people and what makes them happy? Seligman explains that
Negativity is everywhere in your daily life like school, work place, or just in public. It is a disease and it’s contagious which is why you need to cut it out of your life. I used to be the happiest person, but the negativity got to me and just took it away from me. I didn’t do anything about it nor took control of my own happiness. Which is why I know negativity is contagious and there is people out there who want to bring you down with them. In a sense that they aren’t happy, so they don’t want to see anyone else happy. They usually lack self-esteem, aren’t happy, or feel trapped with their feelings. They want to manipulative people to get what they want.
So, when a problem or negative feeling/event occurs in your life follow the pattern: Can you control it? If not, stop thinking about it and if yes, focus on the solution.
Stay in a joyous mood. If you are always in a good mood and spreading joy, there is no way to be negative. You will always be looking on the bright side seeing how fortunate you are. This will keep a smile on your face showing that you are truly happy. Also, help others around you to be in a good mood. This will help you connect with others.
Attitudes and emotions in the workplace are extremely important because they dictate job performance. The emotions that people go through are something that cannot be avoided; however, they can be manipulated. Managers, leaders, CEO’S of companies learn to do this by experience and training. They manipulate employee’s emotions with the purpose of achieving better performance and satisfy an organization’s goals. Although people have always had different emotions, the notion that managers need to care for employee’s satisfaction and happiness is newly implemented in the workplace. In this paper, I will be explaining the impact of attitudes in the workplace, how mood, emotions, attitudes and behavior affect job performance and I will implement the point of view of the CEO of the Defense Commissary Agency, Mr. Joseph Jeu.