Imagine losing your retirement funds or being a victim of a mortgage fraud because money from your bank account disappeared overnight! The 1996 report of the National Criminal Justice Commission estimated that the annual cost of white-collar crime is between $130 billion and $472 billion, seven to twenty-five times greater than the cost of conventional or street crime (Conklin, 2010, P. 71). White-collar crime in America is considered larceny committed by the wealthy, respected, and legitimate enterprise which is not set up or intended to go out of business like an ordinary fraud or con game. White-collar crime offenses may involve forgery, embezzlement, or fraud involving massive amounts of money. Offender’s commit fraudulent acts in the …show more content…
Edwin Sutherland introduced the term white-collar crime at the fourth annual meeting of the Sociological Association in 1939 (Conklin, 2010, P. 69). The Federal Bureau of Investigations defines white-collar crime as “Those illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence” (Barnett). Individuals and mainly organizations commit white-collar crimes to obtain money, property, or services. By committing these invincible crimes, the criminal’s goal is to avoid the payment, loss of money or services, and to secure personal or business advantage. Three major orientations help define white-collar crime “Those that define white-collar crime by the type of offender (high socioeco¬nomic status and/or occupation of trust); those that define it in terms of the type of offense (economic crime); and those that study it in terms of the organizational culture rather than the offender or offense” (USDOJ, 1989, P. 3). Even though illegal acts of white-collar offenses are defined and interpreted differently by everyone, the fact of the matter is that offenders must be punished in accordance with U.S. law. This leads to our next discussion, we'll look into the laws meant to prevent white-collar crime as well as how those who commit it are punished.
Preventing and Punishing White-collar Crime
Additionally, laws that regulate white-collar
Most people, when they hear the word “crime,” think about street crime or violent crime such as murder, rape, theft, or drugs. However, there is another type of crime that has cost people their life savings, investors’ billions of dollars, and has had significant impacts of multiple lives; it is called white collar crime. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines white collar crime as
In his article, Edwin H. Sutherland examines “white-collar crimes.” Sutherland first starts the article off by defining what exactly is a “crime.” Sutherland goes on to describe and discuss the antitrust laws. Next, he describes the Sherman Antitrust Act, and that it states that any violation of the law is a misdemeanor. Then, he discusses the three methods that are used to enforce the Sherman Antitrust Act. He then goes on to explain the laws regarding infringements of the law. He also discusses the law in regard to financial manipulations. He goes on to discuss the stigma on white-collar crimes and juvenile delinquency. He the discusses the laws for business regulations, and the consequences in violating this laws. Next, he explains the three
Edwin H. Sutherland is given credit for introducing the term white collar crime during the late 1930’s. However, in today’s times there is still confusion on the specific definition of what qualifies as a white collar crime and how it should be defined. In addition, there are key differences between conventional crimes and white collar crime in age, race, class, and other various factors. The media has added to these differences by portraying these two crimes quite differently. In regards to Sutherland, I found his study on 70 of the largest U.S. manufacturing, mining, and mercantile corporations and their wrongdoings. Sutherlands study confirmed that 97 percent of these corporations were criminal recidivists. Yet, in these corporations view
A white-collar crime by definition is a crime that is committed by individuals of higher status. It is not necessarily a violent crime, but could be depending on the situation. An individual who works in a professional environment, such as the government or corporation tend to take advantage of employees and manipulate them into thinking their practices are legitimate. Some examples, of white-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, and other various crimes. However, individuals who involve them selves in drugs or stealing someone’s personal possessions commit street crime. For example, it tends to be violent depending on the situation and it usually happens in a public place or
White-collar crime can be summed up in a nutshell by the following three deviant behaviors, all of which we hope to establish as morally wrong to our youth: lying, cheating and stealing. The term, coined in 1939, has become an umbrella term encompassing a full spectrum of frauds committed by business (potentially corporate), government professionals and a growing number of individuals capable of cyberspace hijacking. The
White-collar crime is defined as the financial motivations of non-violent crimes that are committed by professionals of business and those of the government. In the field of criminology, Edwin Suthelan (1939), a socialist who was the first person to define white-collar crime as a crime that respectable and those people of higher social status commit. The crimes include those associated with fraud, bribery, embezzlement, cybercrime, money laundering, theft of the identity and many more crimes that are nonviolent. For the white collar crimes, the offenses committed should produce some gains financially. The crimes are thereby committed by those persons holding various positions in businesses or organizations, and it is because of this position they can gain access to amounts of huge money that they get from the people like customers with whom they serve. The criminals involved are not caught in activities that are violent, involved in drug issues or illegal activities.
Victims can be an individual, a group of individuals, (such as customers of a bank), or an organization and any of them may experience astronomical financial losses (Hayes & Prenzler, 2009). Some of the most notorious examples of the harmful effect of white-collar crime is the collapse of the US company Enron, with losses of over USD$50 billion (Friedrichs, 2004) and in Australia, the collapse of insurer HIH Insurance with losses of over A$4 billion (HIH Royal Commission, 2003. cited in Hayes & Prenzler, 2009). Research indicates that crimes of this magnitude play a vital role in causing or contributing
White-collar crimes are just as prevalent today as ordinary street crimes. Studies show that criminal acts committed by white-collar criminals continue to increase due to unforeseen opportunities presented in the corporate world, but these crimes are often overlooked or minimally publicized in reference to criminal acts on the street. Many street crimes are viewed as unnecessary, horrendous crimes because they are committed by lower class citizens, whereas white collar crimes are illegal acts committed by seemingly respectable people whose occupational roles are considered successful and often admired by many (Piquero, 2014). These views often allow white collar crimes to “slip through the cracks” and carry lesser charges or punishment.
White Collar crime is not a crime unto it self, but instead a criteria that has to be met in order for a crime to be considered as White- Collar Crime; (Blount, 2002) hence the reason why Corporate Crime is also considered as White- Collar Crime. At the same time, White Collar Crime and Corporate Crime can be seen as distinct criminological categories, however, in order to reveal this, this essay will firstly be exploring Sutherland's definition of white collar crime and the perplexity with this definition of white-collar crime. It will then be looking at the modification which had to take place with Sutherland's definition of white-collar crime in order to established a distinction between white-collar and corporate crime.
In a looking glass of a sociologist, we can see white collar crime in our everyday world. When it presents itself; the victims are left hurt and the rest in awe of their awful actions. White Collar Crime is defined as “White collar crime overlaps with corporate crime because the opportunity for fraud, bribery, insider trading, embezzlement, computer crime, and forgery is more available to white-collar employees.” stated by James Henslin. White Collar Crime can be seen in the Libor Scandal, as a prime example.
In this paper the exciting criminal phenomenon known as white-collar crime will be discussed. Corporate Crime and Computer Crime will be discussed in detail. Crime preventative agencies such as the NCPC (National Crime Prevention Council) will also be researched. White Collar Crime The late Professor Edwin Sutherland coined the term white-collar crime about 1941. Sutherland defined white-collar crime as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation" (Siegel 337) White-collar crime includes, by way of example, such acts as promulgating false or misleading advertising, illegal exploitation of employees, mislabeling of goods, violation of weights and measures statutes, conspiring to
Secondly, these individuals or organizations truly believe they will accomplish their illicit act(s) and not get caught. Finally, all too often, individuals or people belong to organizations committing white-collar crimes try and keep up with their lifestyle, don’t want to be viewed as a failure, or have a propensity toward low self-control or complete control. Sadly, often they usually only have to pay a fine and the people involved are rarely prosecuted. And if they are arrested, they don’t receive lengthly sentences. In addition, people engaged in white-collar crime fly under the radar often-negotiating plea deals; therefore, the public’s interests in these crimes are short lived. If white-collar crimes made there way to the mainstream media as much as violent crimes, and the news media followed-up on the damage these crimes caused to their victims, legislators might be compelled by their constituents to amend the sentencing guidelines making the consequences for these criminals a lot more
Most everyone goes home after a long day of work and watches the news. Think, what is usually reported? The weather, local activities, headline news, or daily criminal activity. Shootings, stabbings, homicides, etc. are all discussed by media anchors these days. This causes most everyone in our society to become familiar with crimes that are considered street crimes. What most people don’t hear about on the news is what is considered white-collar crime, sometimes known as corporate crime. White-collar crime not only is less reported in the media but also receives weaker punishments than street crime. This paper will first discuss the similarities between the two types of crime and then explain why their punishments are strongly
White-Collar Crime consists of occupational crime and corporate crime. Occupational crime refers to offences committed against legitimate institutions businesses or government by those with "respectable" social status. It includes the embezzlement of corporate funds, tax evasion, computer crime and expense-account fraud. It is not every day that we hear about white-collar crimes but these non-violent crimes are on the rise to the top. Federal Bureau of Investigation states that USA, for example recorded white collar crimes amounting $300 billion every year (Cornell University, 2010). White-collar crime is relatively a new idea. It has many aspects that are practical for study and further interpretation to clear some of its dark areas. White-Collar Crime was once introduced by Edwin Sutherland in 1939 during his speech in American Sociological Society. The following crimes actually performed are Bribery, Extortion, Insurance, Fraud, Embezzlement, Cybercrime etc. People who participate in these criminal activities are highly powerful and respectful among the society. The following activities include description about White-collar Crime, Investigation of White Collar Crime and The Consequences of committing a White-collar Crime.
Quinney (1964), “Because the validity of white collar crime as a form of crime has been a subject of severe controversy, the question of conceptual clarity has largely been ignored. Today, as a result, the meaning of the concept is not always clear” (p208).