
The Influences On Western Civilization

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The Influences on Western Civilization by the Hebrew-Christian and Greco-Roman Traditions
Western Civilization, as it is known today, is a coalescence of various cultures, ideologies, and practices that have been preserved over centuries of human life. Although a countless number of societies have influenced Western Civilization, Hebrew-Christian civilizations and Greco-Roman civilizations have been the two most influential. Both of these civilizations and their traditions have left equally deep and long-lasting marks on Western Civilization that are still seen in today’s society. While Hebrew-Christian religious traditions are at the core foundation of the largest religions of the western world, Greco-Roman political and social traditions are, on the other hand, seen in the fundamentals of Western societal systems and ideologies. In addition, both Hebrew-Christian traditions and Greco-Roman traditions are prominent in western political and governmental structures. Without the influence of Hebrew-Christian or Greco-Roman traditions, Western Civilization would not be what it is today. In the 21st Century, Christianity and Islam collectively are considered to be the most practiced religions in not only Western Civilization but the world as well. The core foundations of both these unique yet interconnected religions developed from Hebrew-Christian traditions dated as far back as 1200 BCE. The first and largest connection between these two religions and Hebrew-Christian

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