
The Influence Of The Gods In Homer's Odyssey

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Argumentative Essay
In ancient times, the Greeks had absolute and undeniable respect for their gods. The influence of the Greeks gods on the western civilization began when the Romans adopted the pantheon of the immortals, this subsequently influenced the names of the planets in our solar systems. Fast forward through history and you will find evidence of the Greek gods in arts, poetry, movies, and popular culture. As the Greek lyric poet Theognis said, the Greeks “respect and fear the gods, this keeps them from doing or saying disrespectful things. “ The power that the gods have in Homer’s Odyssey is the reflective of Greeks respect to the immortals. It took 10 years of hardships and struggle for Odysseus to return to his family while the gods could really just pick him up from Troy and return him safely. Sometimes the gods works against the Ithacans when they had somehow earned the god’s anger, and sometimes the gods worked to help them.The gods can choose either to make Odysseus’ journey home easy or difficult, and they did it …show more content…

She was a divine assistant to Odysseus on his journey home while Poseidon plots the hero’s demise. Athena appears throughout The Odyssey in her role as a guardian of Odysseus, who prevails Odysseus returns home safely to Ithaca. When the hero secretly return back to Ithaca, Athena appeared and gave him some important advise. Athena helped Odysseus transforming into an old beggar so that the suitors of Penelope would not recognize him and kill him, and made him limber and young when the hero approached his son. Athena also told Telemachus the return of his father. If not for Athena, Telemachus might have taken his father for dead and encouraged his mother to marry one of her suitors. Athena's assistant led directly to Odysseus' success of becoming the lord of Ithaca once

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