
The Influence Of Sybil Handy, My Grandmother

Satisfactory Essays

In everybody's life, they have a person they look up to. For myself, that is Sybil Handy, my Grandmother. While she is deceased she was the person that had the most influence in my life. I say that because she taught me a lot of things I would need in life. She taught me how to be tactful, how to never back down from a challenge, and how to be compassionate. I'll go more in-depth on how those actions have influenced me as a person.

The first thing my Grandmother influenced in my life is, that she taught me how to be tactful. One of my biggest flaws is that I always say what is on my mind. Or as other people say I am "aggressively truthful". While being truthful is a good quality, it is also a good on how to say it. Tactful is defined as " not to act or speak in a way to offend others" according to my Mother and Grandmother. My Grandmother used to take me to the side and made me sit down with her and practice situations on using tactfulness. While I am still working on my tactfulness, I can say that I have gotten better. I say that because she took the time out of her day to talk to me. Her lessons in tactfulness influenced me in my life by teaching me that while being truthful is a good thing, also knowing how to say it is key. …show more content…

A great example of this is actually quite funny. My Grandmother had diabetes so my Mother controlled what she ate. So when my Mother used to go to sleep she would sneak into the kitchen and cook smoked sausages. Even after she was caught by my Mother she still did it again and got smarter with her tactics. I thought it was the funniest event in my very lifetime.While it was not a good influence I still learned something from it. Every time that she did it she taught me is to never back down from a

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