
The Influence Of Ptolemy's Geocentric View

Decent Essays

People who are right are people who have decided to change their minds and go against what they have been taught to come up with the correct thought. Sometimes those people are wrong but at least an effort was made to be open to new ideas. Humans many years ago weren’t so open to new ideas that went against their teachings, in fact, they would mock a few people who had theorized that the Sun was in the middle of the solar system. Today it is known that theory, in fact, is correct but back then it was thought to be absurd. People back then only believed the geocentric view which says that the Earth is in the middle of the solar system and people believed this more than 1500 years (Text 1). The reason people believed Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, when he presented his view of the geocentric view was because it made sense to them. Since the Earth was solid and steady while the other bodies like the sun or moon were always seen moving for example setting and rising it made sense that the Earth would be in the middle, not moving or orbiting for that matter (Text 1). Ptolemy was the authority to the people influencing their decisions on how they perceive the world. For example, students mostly always believe what their teacher teaches them …show more content…

The way Copernicus found out the truth was having intuition and realizing that what he was taught in school was in fact incorrect. He also had evidence where he found math errors in Ptolemy’s prediction but it seemed that those predictions would be more accurate if the solar system was a heliocentric model so that's how Copernicus found out the truth but the problem was that no one believed him (Text 4). They all made fun of him and said he was wrong and only a few people believed him and of those people was

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