
The Influence Of Democracy In Ancient Greece And Rome

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When Greece fell the Romans copied the methods of the Greeks. Architecture was big aspect that they shared. Both cultures used three different columns in temple building. The Doric is thick and with very little decoration. The Ionic is a thinner slightly more ornate column. The Corinthian style is a highly ornate column that is decorated at both the top and bottom. The Greeks and Romans also shared the same idea of government. The Greeks were the first to use a democratic government in 500 B.C. The Romans just adopted that form of government. In both cases of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the democracy fell along with their civilizations. The next time a democracy would appear in history was in 1776 with the United States. The first civilizations …show more content…

The idea of the individual was revived or reborn with the writers and artists of the Renaissance. The reason why was because when someone wrote or painted something wonderful, the art or writing was celebrated but also so was the person. Without war, travel, and trade the Renaissance wouldn’t have moved North. The reason that is really important ui because the North Renaissance is connected to the invention of the printing press. Through the printing press, the Renaissance was able to be spread all around the world. The inquisition was a religious persecution of other religions other than Christianity because the king and queen were Catholics. King Ferdinand and Isabella are the ones who created the inquisition. The inquisition is similar to what Hitler tried to do because he tried to purify all of Europe with on “perfect” race. He did this by killing many innocent jews. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick or “Barbarossa” ruled from 1152- 1190. He wanted to control everything or all of Europe. Hitler called an operation that he did on June 22 of 1941 Operation Barbarossa. This name was influenced because Hitler wanted to take over all of Europe like

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