
The Influence Of Body Image

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Why? That is my question. Why do we care so much about what we look like? Although it sounds like I hate the body image topic, I, myself can and do, argue from both points. The topic is multi-faceted. It shows us how confident we are. But there’s also those two little things no one sees….Courage and confidence. Body image shows how much courage we have. I’m not saying if you don’t love yourself you don’t have confidence or courage, I mean remember the lion on The Wizard of Oz. he wasn’t so proud of himself. He felt like he didn’t have any courage. The lion has the name Cowardly Lion. According to the story behind Mr. Cowardly Lion “He does not understand that courage means acting in the face of fear, which he does frequently”. In my opinion the Lion doesn’t understand anything. But he is very intelligent. He just doesn’t know it. The point I am trying to make here is that, no matter what others think of you, or what others do, or allow you to think, doesn’t make you a nobody. We’re all nobodies. But the …show more content…

It’s amazing because it lets others know that you love yourself. People with negative body image see themselves as a distorted image of who they really are. They feel awkward, uncomfortable, ashamed and self-conscious. They are more likely to develop an eating disorder, depression and low self-esteem. People with a positive body image see themselves as they truly are. They appreciate their natural body and value its uniqueness. People with positive body image also feel confident and comfortable and have high self-esteem. Since they don't dwell on their looks, they can put their energy into their friendships, their relationship with their family, and school challenges. Teenagers who feel good about themselves make friends easily, take pride in their personal accomplishments, and are usually fairly cheerful. This attitude carries over into their general attitude towards others (including their

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