
The Important Roles Of Father Brown In The Hammer Of God

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Father Brown In the story, “The Hammer of God” several characters play important roles that present multiple different perspectives and experiences. Father Brown’s role is very important to this story because although he knows who committed the crime, he doesn’t tell anyone. The themes presented through Father Brown are forgiveness and repentance. Unlike all of the other town’s people frantically trying to talk out the murder in an attempt to figure out who should be convicted, Father Brown is observing all of their behaviors and the tool, which was used to kill Colonel Bohun. As he listens it becomes clear to him that as Wilfred hears stories accusing good people, he explains why those stories wouldn’t work. Wilfred then says, "It …show more content…

With this analogy he is trying to help Wilfred understand that humans are all creatures of sin and are all equal. But while on top of tall things humans start to see people that are lower as less than themselves. He then proceeds to tell a story of a man who began praying at an alter but over time began to prefer solitude in high places to pray. While up there his mentality changed as he looked down on people and he began to believe he was a god. Father Brown ends this story by saying "He thought it was given to him to judge the world and strike down the sinner. He would never have had such a thought if he had been kneeling with other men upon a floor. But he saw all men walking about like insects. He saw one especially strutting just below him, insolent and evident by a bright green hat—a poisonous insect”. Father Brown tells this story because he wants Wilford to understand that even though he did a bad thing, that sometimes good men do bad things because they have been seeing the world the wrong way. This is a great example of Father Brown’s forgiveness. Although Wilfred committed a very serious crime, Father Brown doesn’t act differently towards him, nor does he turn him in, he just tries to help him understand what pressured him to commit the

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