Article 86 of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice. This Article covers Point and Place of Duty. That means from PT formation to COB that is where you will be. What a lot of Soldiers do not understand that includes appointments made by them or someone else. We have appointment times, SP times, formation times and many other start times that dictate we will be there. If a Convoy has an SP time of fifteen hundred hours and the Soldiers decide to show up late because they did not feel like getting ready on time people could die. If they rolled out on time, they may have avoided the ambush or avoided the Vbid that hit them in the bottleneck. It sounds extreme but time management plays a critical role in the Army. …show more content…
Not only does it cost time but it also cost money. It cost the Army to have Doctors there for the Soldiers to see, it cost money to have people there to work CIF, Finance, Household Goods and many other facets of the Army. The majority of these sectors are run by civilians now who are paid hourly. Some of them might be working on a day off because a Soldier made an appointment with them. That right there cost the Army money that would have otherwise been saved. Now that the Soldier missed the appointment they caused the Army to waste a certain amount of money that could have been used for another area. Now let’s look at the math. If you have ten Soldiers that each make an appointment and each person they are suppose to see has an average hourly wage of thirteen dollars an hour and each work an eight hour day when they where suppose to be off that comes out to $104 per person. Now ten employees multiplied by $104 comes out too $1040. If all ten soldiers miss their appointments you can see the amount of money that was wasted because ten Soldiers decided not to show up. That also comes out to almost $400,000 over the course of the year. Just imagine if that happened every at every installation. The cost would be astronomical. The thing is this not just isolated to Company, Battalion or even Brigade level. Its Army wide and it’s something that is has become out of control. I myself am guilty of it. I made an appointment with the Army’s stop smoking class.
Dissemination of information is slow. Soldiers have to cover down on other Soldiers tasks taking away from their own time and tasks.
The poster incorporates statistics: "10 minutes wasted a day means a production loss in a year of 10 destroyers or 30 cargo ships. " This implies that every 10 minutes wasted is less ammunition or weaponry for the soldiers, which will postpone the end of the
2.The GAO reported at least $95.4 million in recruiting costs and at least $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003, while noting that the true figures might be higher.
If a soldier is late for a formation he is in violation of Article 86 of the UCMJ, Failure to Report to Appointed Place of Duty. The supervisor must then counsel his soldier and attempt to correct this behavior. The supervisor has a lot of latitude to decide how to punish this soldier. He can make the soldier report 30 minutes prior to the first formation for the day for five consecutive days. This would typically have him reporting at 0600 hours rather than 0630 hours. He could have him report to the Staff Duty NCO every 4 hours through the night for a specified number of days. This would take away the soldier 's time creating an unpleasent situation for that soldier.
An average center has about six recruiters. This would mean that each recruiter would be responsible for one appointment each day. It may seem easier to make one appointment each day, but other daily recruiting tasks happen as well. Some recruiting centers are remote and driving applicants to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) can take a full day resulting in loss of time to make the daily appointment requirement. Arriving back at the center late and with all the other recruiters at home, a recruiter might choose to log a fake or made up appointment in order to go home. Other daily activities that consume Soldiers time are driving to colleges and high schools, training future Soldiers on basic training tasking, going to gather source documents so applicants can enlist birth certificates, medical and law documents. Time is never on a recruiter's side. It always seems that there is never enough time in the day. Recruiters do not always have control of the day-by-day plan that they created to be successful in achieving the appointments required from their leaders. They have daily distractions that disrupt their plan constantly and in most cases, it ends up being not their fault. They plan, assess, and execute their plan. During the execution of the plan is when it falls apart. Confirmed appointments that show up late or no show, start the
If the economy is weak, such as it is now, more people look to the military for employment. Second, the Army has been tasked to reduce its force by nearly 50,000. Simply put, no new bodies are needed so only the best are accepted.
At this point the soldier must keep track of the now scheduled appointment and ensure that he or she is not only on time but early. Other people such as the soldier’s section chief and his platoon sergeant may also track the scheduled appointment but ultimately it is no other person’s responsibility to track the scheduled appointment but the soldier his or her self.
Not only are soldiers stationed in Iraq, but also soldiers are stationed in 120 nations around the world, from Mongolia (Thompson, “Need”) to the Southern Peninsula of Korea. The military is stretched beyond its limit, and needs to be able to keep all of these places filled with active duty soldiers. Because of how far it is starched it is very
The reasons vary from companies not willing to hire a veteran to veterans having disabilities that might interfere with employment. (Tarantino, 2013) The bottom line should be noted that although the military spending cuts may be needed, however, the important thing is to take care in how to cut the military. Making high cuts in military personnel may not do much good to the budget deficit. Alternatively, making better deals in weapons development contracts may prove to achieve the spending cuts needed to reduce the deficit without creating unnecessarily high unemployment. Moreover, the primary way to reduce the federal budget deficit would be to exit the conflicts in the middle east. This will be an unpopular idea with some politicians and with much of the American public; however, the fact remains that war causes the federal deficit to rise dramatically. The longer the U.S. remains involved in conflicts in the middle east or involved in military conflicts in general the federal budget will never have a standing chance of being
Why do we have inspections? From long experience, the Army has found that some soldiers, if allowed to, will become careless and lax in the performance of minor barrack duties in their unit. They become accustomed to conditions in their immediate surroundings and overlook minor deficiencies. Should a soldier fall below the Army standard of performance, you can be assured that someone will notice those deficiencies immediately.
This process also consumes time, generates otherwise unnecessary paperwork and senselessly diverts the attention of military leadership from their primary function.
Sometimes (not very often) when a battle is not taking place, soldiers had time to write or read letters, play games or catch up on sleep they missed. Some men were unlucky and had to be on guard duty. When there is a battle, no one can mess around. Everyone has to be in full concentration.
So you can see that in reality, when all you get for being late is a chewing out, or extra duty, or maybe even an article 15, they could court martial you. Make formation, as simple as that. If you miss formation, and possibly get court martial it can affect you slightly in your military career. To fix that I will try my best to improve, and keep in touch
Soldiers must be prepared to kill and die when needed in service to the Republic.” (An Army White Paper , 2010) The Human Resource Sergeant play a crucial part in preparing all Soldiers in our Commands for just that. We prepare, counsel, document, and manage Soldiers and their careers. Everything we do as professionals directly affects Soldiers and their loved ones. We pay them, process their awards, promotions, leave requests, and life insurance, among many other important duties. We schedule their Periodic Health Assessment’s and Army Physical Fitness Test’s for not only mental but physical readiness. On top of that, we are responsible for preparing briefings, coordinating training schedules and keeping to very strict deadlines. The Human Resource Sergeant is always adapting and overcoming new obstacles.
On a daily basis, thousands of Soldiers are seen at appointments varying anywhere from surgery on better eye sight to putting a broken foot into a cast for 6 weeks to heal. Appointments can be located anywhere on or off post depending on the type of appointment or preference of the Soldier. It is every Soldier’s right to choose where they would like to receive health care services. The Army spends Billions of dollars on medical supplies, medications, the latest and newest high tech equipment, and the healthcare facilities and the healthcare providers. When a Soldier misses an appointment, the Army’s money is then wasted. Money that could have been used on something such as new trucks, weapons and equipment. With budget cuts on funds within the ranks, missing an appointment is money the Army could use elsewhere.