
The Importance of Geography to Chinese History

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For thousands of years, Chinese culture thrived and grew to become it’s own superpower, and for many years this was unknown to the rest of the world. Great geographic influences included the treacherous mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas, and the prosperous river valleys, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he. Lack of cultural diffusion is primarily due to the fact that China, for hundreds of years, had little to no outside contact or cultural diffusion with other civilizations of that time. The culprit behind this lack of interaction is primarily China’s many mountain ranges. These massive mountains, such as the Himalayas, provided for a dangerous and unkind terrain, and therefore trade and most contact with others was inhibited (“Himalayas”). Despite the lack of outside influence, China and it’s people were actually quite prosperous. One aid in their economic prosperity was their agricultural produce and domestic trade. China’s agricultural society was actually a thriving one mainly due to their fertile land, which is do to their river valleys. These rivers, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he rivers, deposited silt known as loess, onto the soil that was full of nutrients, and the land then became fertile (Perkins 4). These rivers not only expanded upon the agricultural output, but they also created an easy route for transportation and trade throughout the empire (“Yangtze River”). These simple aspects of the Chinese culture in retrospect, played some of the most

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