
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

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The huge issue that ‘The importance of being earnest’ raises is whether marriage was based on love or whether it was to just used to achieve a higher social status. Wilde portrays the different views on marriage through the characters of the play. Whilst Algernon is rather negative about marriage and doesn’t see it as anything more than a business deal, the character Gwendolyn seems to respect the values of marriage. Wilde keeps on ridiculing the social traditions and disposition of the noble class. He relentlessly ambushes their qualities, sees on marriage and respectability, sexual mentality, and sympathy toward soundness in the social structure.
The Victorian attitudes towards marriage are presented through the play ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ as extremely negative. In the play ‘The Importance of being Earnest’ marriage in Victorian England comes under fire throughout the first act.
Wilde viewed marriage to be filled with hypocrisy and often used to achieve status. Wilde also saw marriage as an institution that encouraged cheating as the majority of people in the Victorian era did not marry for love instead they married people who would help achieve a more important social status in society. In spite of the fact that the play does inevitably end on a joyful note, it does however give the feeling that marriage and respectability are frequently entwined in dangerous ways. This states that there is a link between marriage and social status rather than marrying for

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