
The Importance of Accuracy in Journalism

Better Essays

The introduction of the internet to modern society has brought about a new age of information relation. Since there is no longer a need to wait until the next print day, news from all over the world is available at a person’s fingertips within hours or even minutes of the event. With this advent of such easily accessible information, new problems for the news media have also arisen. Aside from potentially losing good economic standing because newspapers are no longer being purchased in the quantities they used to be, the credibility of the information itself is also put into question. No one would argue that credibility of news sources is unimportant, but there is a discrepancy in what takes precedence; economy and speed or getting …show more content…

This migration to more citizen journalism applies not only for writing, but for photographs as well. A photograph can show more of what is happening in a news story than the written world alone. Being able to see what is occurring can often be more valuable than simply taking the word of someone who wrote the accompanying article. Often times the first thing a person looks at when they are trying to decide if it is worth it to delve into a piece of writing is the photograph or photographs that usually appear at the top of the webpage if it is being viewed online. The danger in this is that at times, these photographs can mislead the reader into thinking that something else entirely is happening when really it was just a very skewed view from a person taking a photograph on their phone (Newton 180). Trained photojournalists have a specific skill set that allows them to be aware of what angles and settings allow for the most accurate perception of a scene. Without this being incorporated into a media source’s decision to use specific shots, they could be potentially choosing ones that have the potential to grossly misrepresent the event being covered (Newton 179). True, editors should be able to pick out the most accurate portrayal because it is their job to do so, but for the sake of speed, some photographs are bound to make their way into their online publications without always making sure the representation is sound. Economically,

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